
The world of Dubrava was the original homeworld of the Dubravans, a species of humanoids who had green skin. These beings had distinctive traits like yellow blood, black eyes, and hands and feet that were webbed and each featured four digits. Females in this species could be identified anatomically by their breasts, but their culture also used clothing and hair styles to indicate gender. Their civilization was relatively basic, relying on [wood](/article/wood/legends] for construction and [water](/article/water/legends] for transportation in the swamps of their homeworld.

Dubrava became a battleground during the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Empire had sent stormtroopers to the planet by 0 ABY, while the Rebellion dispatched Jal Te Gniev, a Human pilot, to recruit locals. Gniev, unhappy with his assignment, rejected Bobek, a young Dubravan who wanted to join the Rebellion. However, when Gniev told Nevana, a Dubravan female, that [Luke Skywalker](/article/luke_skywalker/legends], a Rebel pilot, had destroyed the Empire's Death Star battle station, she sold this information to Sarma, a Dubravan bounty hunter, who then informed the Empire. Nevana inadvertently led stormtroopers to the bar where Gniev was operating. In the ensuing chaos, both Nevana and Bobek died, and Gniev fled the planet to warn Skywalker about the Empire's pursuit.

Biology and appearance

Distinguished by their vibrant green skin and smooth facial features, Dubravans were sentient humanoids. A typical member of the species had Human-like lips, a mouthful of white teeth, and a pair of bulging black eyes shaped like oblong ovals. Despite their simple features, they could express emotions through smiles, frowns, and tears. On each side of the head, behind the jaw, were long, fleshy flaps with deep wrinkles and a squared-off shape. As they aged, their smooth skin tended to wrinkle. Most Dubravans had a full head of hair, although some older individuals experienced baldness. Hair colors varied widely, including blond, red, brown, green, gray, and white. Each [limb](/article/limb-legends] typically had four webbed digits with nails. The species consisted of both males and females. Some males had facial hair, while females had prominent breasts, which were characteristics that differentiated the sexes. Dubravans possessed yellow blood.

Society and culture

Dubravan technology included flat-bottom boats and simple buildings made of wood.

The Dubravans' homeworld, Dubrava, was a swamp planet sometimes disparagingly called the "armpit of the universe." Their technology was a mix of simple and advanced items. They used basic items like woven baskets, leather satchels, pipes with globular bowls, and metal mugs and eating utensils. However, they also had satellite dishes on most buildings, used advanced weaponry like blaster pistols, and some worked as starship dealers or bounty hunters. In the Canal District, docks and piers connected small islands in the marshland. Flat-bottom boats and hovercraft transported people and goods across the waters, some powered by motors and others by poles. Dubravan buildings were found on these islands, especially within towns. Their architecture featured wood-plank construction with full logs at the corners and between stories. A short flight of stairs led to the front door of a typical dwelling, and shuttered windows provided another exit. These buildings were relatively spartan, with colors derived from the natural woods used. Furnishings were also simple and wooden. Plain dirt roads served as traffic routes through the settlements.

Dubravans wore gender-specific clothing similar to that of other species in the galaxy. Men typically wore tunics and breeches, often with a belt and boots, while women preferred simple shifts and sleek gowns with high-heeled shoes. Males were known to wear piercings in the fleshy growths on the sides of their heads, while females showed more interest in adornments like metal bracelets and bangles. Hairstyle was also a marker of identity. Some men wore their hair shoulder-length, while others shaved most of it off, leaving only a shock of hair near the forehead, or tied long hair into a ponytail. Women generally kept their hair longer.

Their diet included a red fruit. Some Dubravans enjoyed frothy beverages in bars. Card games were another popular tavern pastime. At least some Dubravans could speak and understand Basic.


The Rebel Alliance sent Jal Te Gniev to recruit on the planet Dubrava.

Sometime between 1000 and 25 BBY, the Dubravans' home system was first visited by beings from other worlds. The planet became part of the larger galaxy through the Triellus Trade Route and the Albanin sector, located in the Slice. By 20 BBY, during the Clone Wars, the Hutts, whose domain was known as Hutt Space, had influence over the Dubravan home system. However, by 14 BBY, that influence had waned. Some non-Dubravans, including a Snivvian bartender, traveled to the planet.

Before 0 ABY, the Galactic Empire established a presence on Dubrava by stationing stormtroopers there. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic sent Jal Te Gniev, a Human X-wing pilot, to recruit for the organization. When Bobek, a young Dubravan male, approached Gniev in a bar in the Canal District, the disillusioned Human humiliated him by blindfolding him and leading him into a trap door under the guise of a confidence test. Gniev dismissed Bobek, saying it was foolish to trust the Rebellion. Angered, Bobek found a blaster and returned to the bar to kill Gniev, believing it would serve the Rebellion, which the boy thought the man only nominally represented.

Bobek's death prompted Jal Te Gniev to warn Luke Skywalker that the Empire knew his name.

Meanwhile, Nevana, a Dubravan woman, found the intoxicated Gniev at the same bar. She pressed him for information about the Rebellion and eventually extracted the name "Skywalker" as the pilot who had destroyed the Empire's Death Star battle station. Nevana sold this information to Sarma, a Dubravan bounty hunter, in a nearby town to pay off her father's debt. However, Sarma turned her in to the Empire, who shot him after he identified her. Stormtroopers ambushed Nevana in the street, and she fled into the swamps. She returned to Gniev's bar, inadvertently leading the stormtroopers to the Rebel recruiter. The Imperial troops burned the bar down with flamethrowers. Nevana died in the massacre, but Gniev escaped. Unarmed and facing two more stormtroopers, Gniev was saved by Bobek, who shot the stormtroopers with the blaster he had intended to use on Gniev, though not before the Imperial [soldiers](/article/soldier-legends] fatally wounded him. Bobek's actions inspired Gniev to rethink his role in the Rebellion and abandon his cynical attitude. He bought a starfighter from a Dubravan salesman and fled the swamp planet to warn Luke Skywalker that the Empire was pursuing him.

Around 25 ABY, Dubrava had a sentient population of between ten and one hundred million. By 137 ABY, Dubrava was within the territory of the Hutt dependencies.

Behind the scenes

The Dubravans first appeared in Star Wars continuity in the second issue of Vader's Quest, a comic book published in 1999 by Dark Horse Comics. The green-skinned species played a significant role in the issue, which was written by Darko Macan and penciled by Dave Gibbons. One frame mistakenly shows Bobek with five fingers per hand, while the rest of the comic depicts him and other Dubravans with only four. Because the back cover of each issue of the four-part miniseries shows how the four covers combine to form a single image, Bobek and Nevana technically appear in each issue due to their prominent placement on the second issue's cover. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, a three-volume set published by Del Rey in 2008, includes entries for Dubrava, Bobek, and Nevana.

