Jannie Ha'Nook

Senator Jannie Ha'Nook, a Human woman, served as the representative for the world of Glithnos within the Galactic Republic's governing body, the Senate.


Ha'Nook, notable for evaluating situations based on their potential personal impact, held an important position on the Security and Intelligence Council. Despite her tendencies towards independence, she cast her vote in favor of the Emergency Powers Act towards the conclusion of the Separatist Crisis. Prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, she joined the ranks of Palpatine's advisors in the Office of the Supreme Chancellor.

During 22 BBY, the Supreme Chancellor convened a meeting in his living quarters, bringing together Ha'Nook, Senator Shayla Paige-Tarkin, Mas Amedda, Sly Moore, Armand Isard, and Sate Pestage, to deliberate on dispatching a relief force to Praesitlyn following the Separatist assault on the planet. While Ha'Nook expressed doubts regarding the validity of the information provided by the freebooter Zozridor Slayke, she also felt apprehensive about allocating such substantial resources to the world without a formal Senate vote. Due to her opposition, Palpatine adjourned the meeting, allowing everyone time to consider the matter before reaching a decision.

One hour following the meeting's conclusion, Ha'Nook received a communication from Sly Moore, who had concealed her identity using a holoshroud. Moore, impersonating Darth Sidious, proposed to Ha'Nook that she be appointed to the position of ambassador plenipotentiary to the Sluis sector if she consented to vote in favor of Palpatine's proposed assistance to Praesitlyn. Influenced by Moore's offer of a bribe and Force manipulation, Ha'Nook conceded to supporting the Chancellor without requiring a vote in the Senate.

During 19 BBY, the war's concluding year, Senator Ha'Nook, alongside Janus Greejatus, Sly Moore, Sate Pestage, Sim Aloo, Armand Isard, and Vice Chair Mas Amedda, participated in a gathering within the Holding Office located in the Senate Building. As the protracted meeting drew to a close, they walked past the members of the Loyalist Committee who were awaiting an opportunity to request the Chancellor to terminate the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act. Following the Battle of Belderone, Ha'Nook convened with the Chancellor's advisors and the Jedi High Council to deliberate on capturing Count Dooku on Tythe. Ha'Nook, with Sly Moore nearby, once again voiced her reservations about diverting additional troops from the Core Worlds, but the Chancellor's backing of the Jedi Taskforce overruled her objections.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars Annual 2009, her name is written incorrectly as "Senator Ha'Nouk".

