A Rodian hailing from Rodia with strikingly pale skin, Jannik, often referred to as Jannik the White, held the position of leader within the Reeven Clan around the period of the Separatist crisis. He participated in a Rodian honor conflict against the Cairn Clan in 24 BBY. For these conflicts, Jannik sought the assistance of a Feeorin pirate named Nym, fully aware that his clan was significantly outnumbered by the forces of Evo the Blue. Nym's involvement was pivotal in the Reeven Clan's victory over Evo, and he also pilfered valuables from the Rodian Grand Protector, sharing the resulting wealth with Jannik. Realizing that his participation in the thefts would make him a wanted individual on his home planet, Jannik arranged transport with Nym to pursue a pirate known as Sol Sixxa on Maramere, accompanied by several members of his clan.
Jannik and his fellow clansmen proved to be invaluable during the mission to Maramere. They were crucial in saving Nym from a massive Relix fish that was chasing the Feeorin pirate after he explored a sunken vessel. Later, Jannik engaged in combat with Sixxa's forces in the Haunted Straits, fighting alongside Nym and his crew. Ultimately, Sixxa attempted to escape the battle. Jannik tried to prevent his departure but was stabbed in the upper chest. Despite the severity of his injury, the albino Rodian managed to survive, albeit barely.
Jannik, a male Rodian by birth, originated from Rodia. In 24 BBY, he held the leadership role within the Reeven Clan on his homeworld. At the time, the clan was embroiled in an honor war with the Cairn Clan, which was under the command of Evo the Blue. Jannik pledged to compensate a Feeorin pirate named Nym for his assistance to the Reeven clan during one of the battles, acknowledging that the Cairn warriors far outnumbered the Reeven members. A Rodian Grand Protector oversaw the confrontation, with Mere Ambassador Loreli Ro serving as the sole observer. Despite the sacred nature of the fight, the battle was broadcast across Rodia via hovering cam-droids. The victors were to be honored and awarded a substantial sum of credits, which Jannik needed to fulfill his payment to Nym. He led his forces into battle in the desolate canyon, clad in ceremonial armor and wielding his sword. The albino Rodian provided Nym with strategic insights leading up to their clash with the Cairn clan. However, in the heat of battle, Nym demonstrated his capabilities and successfully overpowered the smaller Rodians.

However, Nym quickly realized that they were at a numerical disadvantage and instructed the pale-skinned clansman to retreat. Jannik refused, prompting Nym to question his leadership and tactical acumen, as Jannik had deviated from their pre-established battle plan. The Rodian and the Feeorin found themselves isolated from the rest of the Reeven clan, but Nym had a contingency plan in place. Jannik provided cover for the pirate as he charged at Evo's speeder, using his strength to overturn the vehicle. Nym declared the Reeven clan victorious, but Jannik, a more discerning judge, knew better than the alien criminal. Evo the Blue had survived and ordered his warriors to eliminate the pair. Surrounded, the albino Rodian considered surrendering, but once again, his Feeorin companion had devised a plan. Nym brandished an illegal thermal detonator and set it to detonate. As the Rodian clan was decimated by the explosion, Jannik was pulled to safety by Nym, who had employed a grappling hook to escape.
While still in Nym's grasp, Jannik landed on the platform where the Grand Protector was positioned. The Rodian Grand Protector, believing Nym to be dead, declared the war a draw. However, the Feeorin pirate had survived and requested the Rodian to reconsider, brandishing a blaster pistol. They were awarded the winnings, although Nym also stole some of the Grand Protector's valuables. The pirate then orchestrated the theft of the complete winnings from Jannik, but this was merely a deception for the hovering cameras. Nym departed, but the two soon reunited to divide the profits as previously agreed. Knowing he would be a wanted man if the Grand Protector ever discovered the truth, Jannik requested passage off-world from Nym. Before Nym could respond, they were interrupted by the Grand Protector's guest of honor, Loreli Ro, who had a proposal for the Feeorin criminal.

On her homeworld of Maramere, a group of pirates under the leadership of Sol Sixxa had been terrorizing the Trade Federation, an organization for which Nym harbored a personal hatred. Loreli implored Nym to capture Sixxa, as the Trade Federation was prepared to resort to violence, while she and her people were ill-prepared to be caught in the crossfire of a full-scale conflict. For five thousand credits, Nym accepted, and he brought Jannik the White and a contingent of his Rodian warriors with him. Jannik and his clan journeyed to Maramere with Nym and his two companions, Kole and Jinkins, determined to earn the credits promised by the Mere ambassador. However, Nym had previously antagonized the Trade Federation, so upon recognizing his ship, the Havoc, they immediately opened fire. Nym's superior piloting skills allowed them to quickly dispatch the Trade Federation fighters.
Jannik the White and his men gathered the weaponry from the Havoc and transferred it to a Mere ship known as the Sunrunner, which they intended to use to launch their assault against their Mere counterparts. After equipping the ship with heavy weaponry, Nym submerged beneath the surface of the water to investigate the wreckage of a Trade Federation ship. This ship was the latest victim of Sixxa's raids, and the Feeorin pirate sought to assess the damage to gain a better understanding of what he was up against. The Feeorin's exploration took longer than expected, and he soon re-emerged, pursued by a massive Relix. Jannik and his men were able to eliminate the creature, although Ro reprimanded them for firing upon an endangered species. Nym eventually returned on board with the severed head of a Trade Federation droid, hoping that Jinkins, his Bith technician, would be able to repair it. By extracting information from the droid's brain, they hoped to determine the source of Sixxa's attacks.
The droid proved to be a valuable asset for the diverse group of pirates. It contained information about a prototype hand cannon, which Nym had Jinkins attach to one of his arms. Meanwhile, the Chadra-Fan Kole traveled to the nearest cantina to gather as much information as possible about Sol Sixxa and the location of his base of operations. He encountered an intoxicated Mere, who told him about the Invisible Island, undetectable by any scanner, from which Sol Sixxa launched his raids. Kole brought the man back to the Sunrunner, while Jannik and the others prepared to navigate through the Haunted Straits in the heavy rain.

However, Sixxa was prepared for the attack and had dispatched a team of stealthy boarders onto the Sunrunner. Nym, being a pirate himself and therefore familiar with such tactics, was ready to counterattack. On Nym's command, Jannik and his clansmen emerged from compartments below deck and engaged the team of Mere pirates, while Nym and Sixxa fought each other on the deck. Sixxa managed to sever the flamethrower from Nym's arm. Although he was aware that Jannik's men outnumbered his own, he ordered a retreat. As the Mere pirate left the ship, Jannik attempted to stop him, firing several blaster shots at the pirate. Sixxa evaded the shots and stabbed the pale-skinned Rodian in the chest with his sword before fleeing the gunboat. Nym vowed to kill his foe for the stabbing, but Loreli, who was attending to the wounded Rodian, told him that capturing Sixxa was more important. The sword had missed the Rodian's vital organs, ensuring Jannik's survival.
Jannik's men continued fighting after his injury, and Nym engaged Sixxa in a sword duel. Eventually, the two pirates reached an agreement and joined forces against the Trade Federation. Jannik ended his service with Nym; the Feeorin eventually established a pirate base on Lok.
Jannik possessed a strong sense of pride and a deep respect for tradition. During the ceremonial honor wars on his homeworld, he refused to surrender, knowing that it would bring dishonor to himself and his clan. He also donned the traditional Rodian armor and wielded a sword during these battles, and he told Nym that the pirate should feel honored to be wearing such a magnificent suit of armor. However, Jannik was also cunning and avaricious, prioritizing profit over honor and respect, although these values were still important to him. He had no reservations about allying himself with known criminals or breaking the law himself. Jannik was a courageous Rodian, and during his tenure as clan leader, he acted as a fearless warrior, despite his small stature. He was loyal to his warriors, and they were equally loyal to him, continuing to serve him even after he sustained a grievous wound.
Jannik was conceived by Star Wars author W. Haden Blackman for Starfighter: Crossbones, a three-issue spinoff comic based on Star Wars: Starfighter. He was illustrated by Ramón F. Bachs, Raul Fernandez, and Brad Anderson. Jannik's subsequent appearance in Legends has been limited to The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.
In the panel immediately following his stabbing, Jannik is depicted with red blood oozing from his mouth. This contradicts later canon, which, as established in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television episode Sphere of Influence, indicates that Rodians have green blood.