Jedi Chef

"Jedi Chef", a comic of eight pages, is found within Star Wars Tales 7. Randy Stradley penned the story, while Francisco Ruiz Velasco provided the artwork. It has been included in both Star Wars Tales Volume 2 and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith Vol. 1.


Micah Giiett and Plo Koon, members of the Jedi Council, set out for Ord Mantell to save the well-known chef Slabba Drewl from Corpo, a Hutt. Drewl, it seems, became Corpo's slave after losing a gamble with the Hutt.

Corpo's life revolved around gambling and food, and his most prized possession was a MREM-02 robot, nicknamed Moreemohtwo. Giett challenges Corpo, wagering that he can cook a superior meal to Moreemohtwo's. Corpo agrees to the bet—if Giett wins, Drewl goes free. However, if Moreemohtwo wins, Giett himself will be enslaved to the Hutt.

Giett secretly tells Plo Koon to "sabotage" the droid's cooking. The "cook-off" commences, with the host announcing the theme ingredient: Denusian squirmers. Giett gets bitten by a squirmer on his nose, and responds by using his lightsaber to quickly chop and cook the ingredient. In the meantime, Plo Koon secretly swaps Moreemohtwo's seebo sauce for droid oil, and adds gundark droppings, Rakririan Burnout Sauce, and Bothan foot powder into Moreemohtwo's cooking pot.

Once the cook-off concludes, Moreemohtwo presents five dishes of delicious-looking food, while Giett presents two messy bowls of squirmer stew. After tasting Moreemohtwo's sabotaged dishes, Corpo immediately frees Drewl. Corpo then starts hitting Moreemohtwo for losing the bet, which leads to the droid falling onto the Hutt, causing an Ewok to exclaim "Hutt Pizza!"

Production Notes

The story is clearly inspired by the Japanese TV show Iron Chef. The name "Moreemohtwo" comes from the Iron Chef, Masaharu Morimoto. The alternate title of the story is a direct reference to the American Pizza chain Pizza Hut.

It should be noted that the spelling of Micah Giiett's last name is inconsistent, appearing as both Giiet and Giett.

Slabba Drewl's name is clearly a play on the words slobber and drool.

The word "Han's" was written on the underwear that the Ewok wears on its head in the final panel.

