Jedi romance, as a literary genre, included stories set in remote locations on the Galactic Republic frontier. These stories often revolved around Jedi characters and explored themes of unreciprocated affection and yearning looks. Vel Carann, a scantech assigned to a monitoring station within the Hetzal system around 232 BBY, was a dedicated consumer of Jedi romance novels, a contrast to her colleague, Merven Getter, who struggled to grasp their allure.
By 232 BBY, Jedi romance had become a recognized form of literature, typically featuring members of the Jedi Order, who were Force-users. Many of these romances unfolded at distant outposts situated on the Galactic Republic's frontier, incorporating elements such as lightsaber combat and depicting unfulfilled love alongside meaningful glances between characters. Merven Getter, a Mirialan scantech employed by the Republic and stationed at a monitoring station on the edge of the Outer Rim Territories in the Hetzal system, had read a few of these stories and believed the lightsaber duels were simply replacements for the characters' true desires.
Vel Carann, the scantech who supervised Merven Getter, was an enthusiastic reader of Jedi romances, a fact that baffled Getter. On one occasion in 232 BBY, Getter noticed Carann absorbed in reading something on a datapad and assumed it was another Jedi romance, also noting to himself that Carann was likely reading personal material while she was supposed to be working.
Charles Soule created the concept of Jedi romances for his 2021 novel, Light of the Jedi, which was part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative. Before Light of the Jedi was released, an excerpt mentioning Jedi romances appeared on on November 20, 2020.