Jedi Trainer

Among the earliest members of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order was the individual known as the Jedi Trainer.


By at least 12 ABY, the Jedi Trainer served as an instructor at the Academy situated on Yavin 4. Later during that same year, he joined forces with Kyle Katarn in the defense of the Praxeum against an attack launched by Desann, a Dark Jedi, and his Reborn warriors.

Master Skywalker included the Jedi Trainer among the six knights and masters tasked with assigning initiates to train for Knighthood. Later that year, he was part of the Jedi group dispatched to Korriban with the aim to prevent Tavion Axmis's Sith cult from resurrecting Marka Ragnos. He went with Jaden Korr and other knights into the catacombs before the group separated. By the time Jaden reached the Valley of the Dark Lords, the Jedi Trainer had ascended to the peak of a large stone monument where he fought a pair of Reborn alone. Whether he survived this encounter remains unknown.


The Jedi Trainer wielding his two lightsabers

A skilled duelist, the Jedi Trainer favored wielding a pair of lightsabers with purple blades, employing the Jar'Kai fighting style. Two years after becoming a knight, he constructed a lightsaber reminiscent of the one he used during the battle of Yavin IV.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, the game features several Jedi Trainer NPCs due to the limited selection of three distinct Jedi character models. Three can be found in the yavin_temple map, and another three in the yavin_courtyard map (one of these is always deceased at the level's conclusion, leading to the assumption that only three Jedi Trainers exist within the Jedi temple). However, in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, the Jedi Trainer is depicted as a unique character, with only one NPC appearing per level. Consequently, it's reasonable to infer that only one of the Jedi Trainer NPCs encountered in Jedi Outcast represents the actual "Jedi Trainer," while the others are simply placeholders for other, unidentified Jedi.

Milton James provided the voice for the Jedi Trainer in Jedi Outcast, whereas Cam Clarke voiced the character in Jedi Academy.

Early screenshots of the game (released after E3 2001) depicted the Jedi Trainer engaged in combat with Kyle Katarn on Kejim, wielding a red lightsaber. This led many fans to initially believe that he was a Dark Jedi and Kyle's adversary in the upcoming game.

If the player assists the Jedi Trainer in his predicament, his survival is assured.

