
Jiminaldo-mabbramsti, or Jimi as he was commonly known, was a Squib scavenger. He was employed by another Squib, Squeerie, and operated on the world of Almas. One fateful day, while working at the remains of the Almas Academy, Jimi and his team were confronted by three Ugors. The Ugors asserted that a droid the Squibs had found was, in fact, their property. Their argument escalated into a physical altercation, which was then interrupted by the arrival of a group of outsiders. These newcomers successfully mediated a deal between Jimi's team and the Ugors, convincing them to sell the droid to the outsiders themselves. Suddenly, a horde of Dark Lizards descended upon the group, and Jimi joined the others in repelling the attack.


The Squib known as Jiminaldo-mabbramsti, but more often called Jimi, became a scavenger under the employ of Squeerie on the planet Almas. By the time Order 66 was executed, Jimi had risen to the position of leading a salvage team within Squeerie's organization.

Two years following the destruction of the Almas Academy located in the city of Forard, Jimi and four other Squibs, identifiable by their blue fur, were dispatched by their boss to sift through the wreckage. They unearthed several items of potential value: a damaged copy of the holobook titled Busteromuchmacho and the Vermillion Shadow (the third installment of the Squib Jedi series), a broken lightsaber that once belonged to a Padawan named Dorv'Tilsta, and a container holding eight glowrods. Their discovery of a legless, silver protocol droid prompted them to attempt its retrieval. However, Jimi and his team were ambushed by three Ugors, who insisted that they had discovered the droid first, and that it rightfully belonged to them. A tug-of-war ensued between Jimi and the Ugor leader over the unfortunate droid, until a group of unknown individuals arrived on the scene. The Ugor leader, SprlMuck, requested their intervention.

SprlMuck explained that he and his comrades had located the droid within the ruins and moved it to its current location. He claimed that when the Ugors noticed the arrival of the outsiders' ship, they briefly left to investigate. Jimi countered that there was no evidence of the Ugors' presence when his Squib team found the droid. He argued that according to High Squibbian Law, possession accounted for 99.9% of ownership, thus the droid was rightfully theirs. SprlMuck retorted that Ugorian Divine Law stipulated that the slime of an Ugor's pseudopod was sufficient not only to claim an item, but also to sanctify it. The droid, for its part, simply identified itself as 7-A39 and stated its affiliation with Almas Academy.

The outsiders attempted to mediate a compromise. They suggested that both sides' legal systems should be acknowledged and respected. They provided 2,000 credits to the Ugors, satisfying their demands. They then cautioned Jimi and his team about the slightly toxic atmosphere of Almas, thereby persuading Jimi to relinquish the droid in exchange for some spare breath masks. Jimi, satisfied with the agreement, even included a free net for transporting the droid. Jimi and his crew apologized to the Ugors, who reciprocated the gesture.

However, the resolution was short-lived, as Dark Lizards launched an assault from the academy's tower, targeting everyone present. The creatures attempted to encircle their prey and ensnare them with their long, black tongues. Jimi and his crew joined forces with the outsiders and the Ugors to eliminate the strange creatures. In the aftermath, Jimi developed a newfound respect and admiration for the offworlders, becoming more receptive to them and offering them more favorable deals.

Personality and traits

Jiminaldo-mabbramsti, like many Squibs, communicated in Basic using unconventional vocabulary and peculiar speech patterns that obscured the true meaning of his words. He possessed a boisterous personality; despite his dislike for Ugors, he remained neutral towards the newly arrived outsiders, hoping they would side with him. His primary objective was to maximize his earnings, thus he prioritized the potential resale value of the droid over the droid itself.

In other respects, Jimi was a typical member of his species: overly confident, excessively curious, and overly fond of bartering. He found fulfillment in his work. Jimi was fluent in Basic, Squibbian, and Old High Squibbian, the Squib trade language. He carried a blaster pistol, as did every member of his crew. They also possessed a Squib battering ram for various purposes.

Behind the scenes

Jiminaldo-mabbramsti appears as a non-player character controlled by the gamemaster in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game adventure titled Echoes of the Jedi. The player characters are tasked with recovering the droid 7-A39 from the scavengers in order to access the data it possesses regarding the academy and its contents. The player characters have numerous options for persuading the Squibs and Ugors to surrender 7-A39; for instance, Jedi characters can employ a mind trick. However, the characters can complete their adventure without the droid; instead, they require a data cube that grants them access to the desired areas of the academy. Nevertheless, saving the droid is the optimal course of action, and is therefore considered the canonical outcome. The adventure treats the scenario as the equivalent of a battle for the purpose of awarding experience points to the characters.

As an alternative, the player characters may negotiate with Jimi and his crew for other items or for parts to repair their ship if needed. Some of these items prove useful later in the scenario; acquiring the lightsaber, for example, enables the player characters to gain the trust of the former Jedi Thorla, who is hiding within the academy.

