
Squeerie was a Squib scavenger. He was active on the world of Almas, operating under an exclusive agreement with Klis Joo, who was once a Jedi and served as the mayor of Forard. Squeerie oversaw a group of salvagers composed of other Squibs, along with a Trandoshan named Korq.


It is unknown whether Squeerie was a native of Almas or if he came there from elsewhere. After [Klis Joo](/article/klis_joo], the former Jedi, assumed the position of mayor in Forard, Squeerie successfully negotiated a contract that granted him the sole license to run a salvage operation on the planet. He then assembled a team of fellow Squibs and brought on a Trandoshan named Korq, valuing his ability to dismantle recovered items.

Around 20 BBY, Squeerie and his team came across a crashed airspeeder and began to salvage it. Finding a body inside the wreckage, the team respectfully covered it. Nevertheless, they proceeded with their salvage work.

A team working for Jedi Master Lanius Qel-Bertuk approached them, seeking help in locating missing Jedi. Squeerie, worried about potential competitors operating without a license, initially tried to deter them. However, the strangers offered to barter for the chance to examine the wreckage. Upon inspection, they identified the body as belonging to a human Padawan named Alkin Saad. They also determined that the speeder had crashed due to an explosion in its repulsor engine.

Soon after, Squeerie and his crew were confronted by another outsider, a deranged Duros who seemed to be known by the other strangers. The salvagers stood back as the outsiders dealt with each other. Eventually, the agents subdued the Duros, who was revealed to be a Jedi named Tantron Dow, the master of the deceased Padawan. Squeerie was disappointed to learn that the Jedi owned the crashed speeder, thus voiding his salvage rights. The Duros explained that his airspeeder had been damaged by someone firing a cannon at him. Squeerie compensated the agents with some credits as gratitude for protecting him from the crazed Jedi. Subsequently, the Duros arranged for transport back to the Almas Academy in Forad, and Squeerie was content with having made some profit from the situation.

Years later, during Order 66, the Almas Academy was destroyed by orbital bombardment. Two years after the attack, Squeerie still possessed his license, granting him the right to salvage the ruins of the academy. He dispatched a team led by a Squib named Jiminaldo-mabbramsti (Jimi) to the site. The team encountered resistance from a rival group of Ugor salvagers, but agents of Jedi Master Denia intervened.

Personality and traits

Squeerie displayed typical characteristics of his species, adhering to standard Squib negotiation tactics. His grasp of Basic was limited, often making it difficult to understand his true intentions.

He respected the law and emphasized the legitimacy of his operations, avoiding violence. Even his Trandoshan associate, Korq, was primarily valued for his strength in dismantling objects, rather than as a fighter. Nonetheless, Squeerie and his team kept blasters readily available to stun any potential aggressors. His teams sometimes faced opposition from unlicensed competitors, such as Ugors, which occasionally necessitated the use of such weapons.

He utilized an airspeeder for transportation across Almas, enabling him to quickly reach salvage locations. Squeerie always carried a datapad and his salvage license with him while at a recovery site.

Behind the scenes

Squeerie is a character in Desert Cries, an adventure within the Living Force campaign for The Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast. He appears during an encounter where the player characters meet the missing Jedi Tantron Dow. The characters must overcome Squeerie's presence to access the wreckage he is salvaging, which contains crucial clues for their quest.

According to the adventure's notes for gamemasters, Jedi characters can attempt to use mind tricks on Squeerie. However, coercing him to relinquish his salvage (which he legally owns) is considered a potentially evil act that pushes the Jedi closer to the dark side, at the gamemaster's discretion. Physically assaulting Squeerie and his crew is also classified as an evil action. This article assumes that players will pursue the course of action that yields the most favorable outcomes for them.

The amount of money Squeerie pays the player characters varies based on their character level and the difficulty of the adventure, ranging from 500 to 1,500 credits per character.

Jiminaldo-mabbramsti, Squeerie's associate, reappears in a later RPG adventure titled Echoes of the Jedi, but Squeerie himself does not make an appearance.

