The Jin'ha were a mysterious species well-known for their work involving cortosis ore, which could resist lightsabers. In addition, the Jin'ha sold some cortosis ore to the Trade Federation, who then used it in their experimental assassin droids. The Jin'ha commonly employed pikes, maces, and blasters as their weapons.
Operating a mine and refinery on the planet of Obredaan, the Jin'ha were a mystical species. They manufactured weapons from refined cortosis ore that could withstand lightsabers, and they distributed these weapons to various organizations, including the Black Heth and the Trade Federation. Many Jin'ha underwent warrior training, with some specializing as snipers.
During a weapons shipment to the Black Heth criminal syndicate, the Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi engaged a group of Jin'ha in combat. Later, in order to liberate the captive Jedi Masters Eeth Koth and Plo Koon shortly before the Invasion of Naboo, he and his Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn fought a Jin'ha army on Obredaan. Despite the Jin'ha's capabilities as warriors, the Jedi emerged victorious from this conflict.
The video game Star Wars: Obi-Wan released in 2001 marked the first appearance of the Jin'ha.