
Obredaan, situated in the Irishi sector of the Mid Rim, was a notable planet. Its significance stemmed from extensive cortosis ore deposits, making mining the economic mainstay. Positioned along the Entralla Route, Obredaan, along with Orinda and Ord Tessebok, was a bustling hub for trade within the Irishi sector.

Following the Orinda campaign during the Galactic Civil War, this planet served as the last significant point of call before entering Imperial Space via the Entralla Route. Consequently, the New Republic maintained a military presence there, anticipating potential invasions.


Within the Mid Rim's Obredaan system, at galactic coordinates K-6 within the Irishi sector, lay the planet Obredaan.


Obredaan, a world dedicated to mining, served the Jin'ha armorers. It housed the facility where they attempted to synthesize cortosis ore for weapon crafting. Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Eeth Koth were sent to investigate the world, however, the Jedi High Council lost contact with their Consular-class cruiser. Consequently, Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, were sent to investigate. The pair discovered the cruiser's wreckage within the swamps, but divided their efforts to achieve their individual objectives. Jinn departed to locate the missing Masters, while Obi-Wan was assigned the task of finding the Jin'ha facility.

Kenobi successfully infiltrated the facility, venturing deep within to retrieve a sample. This sample confirmed the Jin'ha's illicit synthesis of cortosis ore, intended for use against the Jedi. Leaving the facility, he encountered Jinn returning with the other Masters, and the group engaged the Jin'ha in battle to escape the planet. However, just before their departure, a Trade Federation gunship appeared overhead, leading Obi-Wan to suspect a betrayal by the Trade Federation against the Jedi Order. This suspicion was later confirmed during the Blockade of Naboo.

During the Orinda campaign, the New Republic secured a victory in a battle fought on this world.

In 40 ABY, Obredaan held membership within the Galactic Alliance. During the Second Galactic Civil War, Obredaan's representatives voiced condemnation of the raids conducted by the Galactic Alliance Guard against Corellian citizens on Coruscant. Ultimately, the planet aligned itself with the Confederation.

Behind the scenes

Jason Fry has verified that Obredaan and Obreedan are, in fact, the same planet. Obredaan is the correct spelling.

