First mission to Obredaan

In 32 BBY, the Jedi Order dispatched Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Eeth Koth to the planet Obredaan for a mission: to look into the Jin'ha warriors. This assignment came after the Jedi tried to prevent a conflict on Coruscant, a planet where the Black Heth, a Jin'ha-supplied criminal organization, had instigated the conflict. The transport used by the Jedi was destroyed, and both Masters were taken prisoner, which made it necessary to send a second Jedi mission to the planet to learn the details of what took place.


Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Padawan, fought against the Black Heth criminal organization and Jin'ha fighters on Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic in 32 BBY. He was able to defeat the gang before they could ignite a war on the planet. He also placed a tracking device on a Jin'ha arms shipment. The Jedi High Council used this device to trace the shipment to Obredaan, the warriors' home world. Following this discovery, the Jedi Order assigned Plo Koon and Eeth Koth, two Jedi Masters, to travel to Obredaan and investigate the Jin'ha. The Masters piloted a Consular-class cruiser for their assignment.

The mission

When Koth and Koon arrived at Obredaan, their Consular-class cruiser crashed in the swamps of Obredaan. The Jin'ha then captured the two Jedi Masters. Communication between the starship and the Jedi Council was lost at that point.


After the communications loss, [Qui-Gon Jinn](/article/qui-gon_jinn-legends], Kenobi's Master, called the Padawan to the Council Chambers along with Saesee Tiin, a Council member. Kenobi had just won a lightsaber training duel against Tiin as part of his training at the Jedi Temple. Afterward, the Jedi sent Jinn and Kenobi to discover what happened to Koon and Koth. They were successful in their mission, rescuing the two Masters and stealing a sample of cortosis metal from a hidden Jin'ha mine. The arrival of a Trade Federation gunship at the mine also suggested a connection between the Jin'ha and the Trade Federation. Kenobi's further investigation revealed that the Jin'ha were mining cortosis for the Trade Federation. Several weeks later, the Federation betrayed the Jedi Council's trust by blockading the planet Naboo.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of the Obredaan mission occurred in the 2001 video game Star Wars: Obi-Wan, which launched on December 19, 2001. A "Gamescape" article in Star Wars Insider 57, published on December 4, 2001, initially mentioned it in a preview for the game.

