Jinjang berry

Jinjang berries, which are also referred to as Gin-jang berries, were a type of fruit that grew on the Forest Moon of Endor. In the year 3 ABY, the Ewok named Teebo consumed some of these berries as part of his evening meal. Later, he assisted fellow Ewoks Wicket Warrick, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, and Latara in transporting jinjang berries to the dwelling of a guba bird.


These berries, known as both Jinjang and Gin-jang berries, originated from the jinjang shrub. This shrub was native to the Forest Moon of Endor. Characterized by their blue hue, these berries were a safe food source for various species, including Ewoks, Bothans, Humans, Ithorians, Mon Calamari, Rodians, Sullustans, Trandoshans, Twi'leks, Wookiees, and Zabraks. Their primary culinary application was to enrich the taste of desserts.


At some point between the years of 0 ABY and approximately 1 ABY, an explorer, identified as a spacer, ventured onto the Forest Moon of Endor. This individual scoured the forests in search of jinjang berries. Subsequently, they employed these berries in the preparation of ice cream utilizing a Corellian Fried Ice Cream Fryer.

The Ewoks carrying the berries up the mountain

During 3 ABY, the Kagles, a group of beings with brown fur, presented the fruit to the Ewok Teebo while on Endor. This offering was part of a meal that included fried mahuga and tobo leaves. Teebo later described the dishes he had eaten to his friend, Wicket Warrick.

Later in that same year, a party of young Ewoks, specifically Warrick, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Teebo, and Latara, each carried a sack filled with the berries up a mountain to the abode of a guba bird. Kintaka, who had conceived the idea, voiced her worries about the baby birds potentially suffering from starvation due to a lack of rain. She was the first to arrive at the summit, offering the jinjang berries to the gubas. However, instead of accepting the offering, the gubas seized her from the nest, flew upwards, and released her. The impact of her weight caused the nest to dip downwards and then rebound, propelling the Ewoks to the base of the mountain.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Jinjang berries occurred in "Home Is Where the Shrieks Are," which was the third episode of the second season of the animated television show Ewoks. This episode first aired on September 20, 1986. They subsequently reappeared in "Battle for the Sunstar," the twentieth episode of the season, which was initially broadcast on December 6 of the same year.

The Disney+ subtitles for the episode "Home Is Where the Shrieks Are," which were added on April 2, 2021, presented the name of the berries as "jing-jang berries." In contrast, the subtitles for "Battle for the Sunstar" used the spelling "jinjang." Jinjang berries, spelled as "Gin-jang," also made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Furthermore, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia from 2008 contained an entry for the berries' bush, spelled as "jinjang." Considering the two subtitled variations, "jinjang" stands out as the only version corroborated by other source material, specifically The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Therefore, this article adopts "jinjang" as the primary spelling, acknowledges Galaxies' spelling as valid, and considers the second Disney+ spelling as an error.

Jinjang berries were incorporated into Galaxies as a rare foraged food component designed for use with the portable deep fryer. This addition was part of the release of "Chapter 9," which was published on April 3, 2008.

