Job on Alzoc III

Between the years of 241 BBY and 231 BBY, Ty Yorrick, a monster hunter, teamed up with a Hoopaloo for a mission on Alzoc III. During this assignment, which unfolded on the planet Alzoc III, situated in the Outer Rim, the Hoopaloo stole some of Yorrick's gear. The hunter chose not to pursue the Hoopaloo afterward, writing off the stolen equipment as a loss.

By 231 BBY, Yorrick reflected on the Alzoc III job and considered it a failure. In that year, while present on Safrifa, the hunter mentally revisited the Alzoc III job, remembering how the Hoopaloo had made off with part of her arsenal. Yorrick mused that, unlike some mercenaries who would have relentlessly pursued the "kriffing" Hoopaloo to tear off his beak, she had accepted the situation, acknowledging that setbacks happen. The hunter also reasoned that chasing after the Hoopaloo would have been a waste of time and energy unless she was being paid to do so.

Behind the scenes

The novel The High Republic: The Rising Storm, penned by Cavan Scott as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project and released on June 29, 2021, included a reference to the Alzoc III job. Before the novel's official launch, an excerpt featuring the job was published on on April 22 of the same year.

