The Jedi Master Jora Malli, a Togruta, wielded a distinctive lightsaber: its blade shone white, and its hilt was a golden cylinder. Uniquely, it featured curved platinum hand guards, resembling wings, that swept back toward the hilt. This weapon, powered by a kyber crystal taken from an ancient Sith lightspear, was used by Malli to activate the weapon systems of the Jedi Vectors she piloted. Driven by intellectual curiosity, Malli purified the crystal of the rage and pain instilled by its previous owner, primarily to understand the process. However, she developed a strong connection to it and ultimately incorporated it into her primary weapon. On one occasion, while pursuing thieves on Coruscant with her Padawan, Reath Silas, she employed the lightsaber to breach an airspeeder used to steal construction supplies. Later, during the Battle of Kur, Malli used the saber to engage her Vector's weaponry before her death.
The first appearance of Jora Malli's lightsaber was in Charles Soule's 2021 novel, The High Republic: Light of the Jedi. A discrepancy arises in Claudia Gray's young-adult novel, The High Republic: Into the Dark, where the lightsaber's blade is described as blue, contradicting its white appearance in Light of the Jedi.