Jora Malli

Jora Malli, a female Togruta, held the esteemed rank of Jedi Master within the Jedi Order throughout the High Republic Era. During this time, Malli occupied a seat on the Jedi High Council and served as the mentor to Padawan Reath Silas. Prior to Silas, Malli had guided two other apprentices, most recently, the Jedi Knight known as Dez Rydan. Following its construction, she assumed command of the Jedi sector of the space station Starlight Beacon, with the Trandoshan Master Sskeer acting as her second-in-command. Avar Kriss perceived their arrival in response to the plea to rescue the Hetzal system from the catastrophic Great Hyperspace Disaster by using the Force. Malli met her end, being killed, during a battle against the Nihil at the Kur Nebula, an event that Estala Maru speculated Sskeer blamed himself for, due to Maru's inability to find the Trandoshan before the Starlight Beacon dedication. After her passing, Ry Ki-Sakka took her place on the Council.


Jora Malli's Padawan Reath Silas

Around 232 BBY, Jora Malli's concluding assignment on Coruscant alongside her Padawan, Reath Silas, involved pursuing a pirate skiff carrying stolen ores and materials essential for the ongoing construction boom on the planet, utilizing a PI-R airspeeder. Reath, sensing his master's intentions, accurately predicted the pirate's strategy to evade their pursuit. However, Reath's misjudgment of the comparative strength of the two vehicles' engines led him to deploy a tow cable, causing the skiff to drag the airspeeder downwards towards Coruscant's surface. Jora Malli then jumped from the speeder to the skiff and breached the pirate's cockpit. Subsequently, she demanded their surrender at the nearest landing platform for apprehension. When the Rodian pilot displayed hesitation, Jora contemplated whether the anger she sensed from him would drive him to crash the ship, resulting in her death. Consequently, she employed the Jedi mind trick, compelling the pirates to surrender.

Following the mission, she informed Reath of their impending departure from Coruscant to her new position on the Starlight Beacon, as well as her resignation from the Jedi Council. When Reath voiced his objections, she clarified that while the role aligned with her strengths, she would not have accepted it unless she believed it would also benefit him. She countered each of his arguments by emphasizing that he needed to recognize his inherent talent for any task he undertook, and that effort was crucial in all endeavors. She added that he might be surprised by how vital an archivist could be on the Frontier, and that she intended for him to become more than just an archivist. She presented him with a riddle, questioning why he, or any other Jedi, could not traverse the Kyber Arch alone. Jora had initially planned for Reath to remain on Coruscant until the opening of Starlight Beacon as a small act of kindness, but that was not possible.

Malli during the Battle of Kur

As the Nihil conflict unfolded in the wake of the [Great Hyperspace Disaster](/article/great_hyperspace_disaster], Jora was unable to take her position as Marshal of Starlight; she was killed in the Battle of Kur while leading the Republic Defense Coalition and Jedi against Kassav's Tempest. Her demise profoundly impacted her friend, Jedi Master Sskeer, and her apprentice, with Reath struggling to accept the news until learning that Sskeer had reported it. When he was compelled to duel her master's former apprentice, Dez Rydan, due to the Drengir's control, Reath informed him of their mentor's death to restore his senses. Because her body was never found, Jora was not given a Jedi funeral, but Reath hoped to have a vigil with Rydan in her honor. However, Rydan left to take on the Barash Vow instead. With Malli having fallen in battle, Avar Kriss became the Marshal instead.

Personality and traits

Jora was a small orange-skinned female Togruta. Despite her role on the Jedi High Council, a responsibility she valued, Jora frequently missed votes during her tenure, believing she could contribute more effectively to the galaxy than by remaining seated in the temple. According to Supreme Chancellor [Lina Soh](/article/lina_soh], she possessed a "hint of un-Jedi-like impatience. She preferred to address problems by experimenting until solutions emerged, rather than meticulously analyzing all aspects and making a single, decisive choice. In essence, she preferred to be engaged." When frustrated, she would fidget by tapping on her lekku.

Given the Jedi's strong connection to the light side, she deemed it futile to waste time debating the Force's will. She believed any action undertaken by a Jedi represented the Force's will, although Jedi could enhance their ability to channel that will through education and training.

Jora Malli was known for her impulsiveness, often acting without fully considering the repercussions of her actions. She purified a Sith [crystal](/article/kyber_crystal] primarily as an intellectual exercise and discovered she had permanently bonded with the crystal, and her strategy for confronting the Nihil was to simply do, "whatever the Force will[ed]." She would also defend her more reckless actions with a witty remark, dismissing concerns about risking her life, as the Jedi commander of Starlight Beacon, by saying, "You can die in bed just as easily as in battle."

Being a Togruta, she appreciated facial markings on humans, such as her padawan Reath Silas' freckles. She observed that as a master, imparting a difficult lesson was often more challenging than learning it as a student. She endeavored to instill balance in her two Padawans, Dez Rydan, who was excessively eager for adventure, and Reath, who avoided it too much. Her objective as their teacher was to broaden their perspectives. However, she also believed that Reath was well-suited to be her Padawan because he would not resent the limited travel opportunities available to a council member's Padawan. She also supported Reath's passion for academics, noting that the order required both scholars and adventurers, with a shortage of those interested in the former; at the same time, she planned for him to become more than just an archivist.


Jora wore white-and-gold Jedi robes and primarily used a white-bladed lightsaber, although she also possessed a blue-bladed lightsaber. She wore a headdress handed down from her own master.

