The Kyber Arch existed within the Jedi Temple situated on Coruscant. Located inside one of the Temple's meditation rooms, its construction involved kyber crystals recovered from the lightsabers of all Jedi who had passed away, even those who perished in combat, provided their lightsabers could be located. Its base was wide, but it tapered dramatically towards the top, representing the dangers encountered by the fallen Jedi. Navigating and traversing the Kyber Arch served as a sophisticated meditation practice, undertaken solely by Jedi who felt compelled to do so by the Force.
When Jedi Master Zallah Macri and her Padawan Kevmo Zink met their end during a mission to the world of Dalna, the Path of the Open Hand sect seized their lightsabers. This prevented the Jedi Order from adding their crystals to the Arch as a tribute to their sacrifice, an event discovered by Jedi Knight Azlin Rell. Nevertheless, Rell and Jedi Master Vin paused by the Arch to honor them, with Vin expressing the hope that all kyber crystals from deceased Jedi would eventually be recovered and integrated into the Arch. Rell subsequently left to delve into the Jedi Archives seeking explanations for their deaths.

Jedi Master Jora Malli once presented her Padawan Reath Silas with a question: why could no Jedi cross the Kyber Arch by themselves? Malli believed Silas would not grasp the answer if he continued to interpret it literally. She informed him that upon understanding the answer, he would comprehend their assignment on the Galactic Frontier. While Silas was studying the arch, he observed a lone Jedi Knight traverse it seemingly without issue. Silas found little opportunity to contemplate Malli's question before being summoned from the Jedi Temple to meet her on the Starlight Beacon orbital station. During the assignment on the Amaxine station, he finally understood the answer: no Jedi ever truly crossed it alone, as the Arch existed due to the sacrifice of numerous Jedi, and other Jedi were required to construct it.

The Kyber Arch made its initial appearance in the 2021 novel titled The High Republic: Into the Dark, penned by Claudia Gray. Its first visual depiction occurred in the 2023 comic one-shot The High Republic Adventures: Quest of the Jedi, also created by Gray.
Within the non-canon Minecraft DLC story adventure Minecraft Star Wars: Path of the Jedi, Yoda encounters a Jedi Knight, embodied by the player, beneath the Kyber Arch during the Clone Wars era. In the game, the Arch is situated in a chamber on the lowest level of the Jedi Temple's main hall. Beneath the kyber arch, Yoda informs the player of sensing the dark side of the Force and requests assistance in investigating. Upon the player agreeing to the mission, the final one in the DLC, Yoda transports them to the planet Torren and its Temple Ruins.