Anakin's Quest is the fourth installment in the Star Wars: Junior Jedi Knights book series. Within its pages, readers will discover a sneak peek, spanning nine pages, of the subsequent book: Vader's Fortress.
- ISBN 1572971363 ; Released by Boulevard in April of 1997, this edition is a 104-page paperback.
- ISBN 0425168247 ; Published by Berkley Jam in June of 1998, this version also comes as a 104-page paperback.
- ISBN 0613895762 ; Sagebrush Corporation released this Turtleback edition in June 1998.
- ISBN 0613044703 ; Another offering from Sagebrush Corporation, this School/Library binding was released in October of 1999.
- Recla Press produced a Dutch paperback version in 1999.
Anakin Solo, now at the age of eleven, is on his way to the Jedi academy! The Force resonates strongly within him—he can sense it. His uncle, Luke, believes the time has come for Anakin to begin his training…
Anakin is plagued by disturbing dreams featuring a hidden cave on Dagobah. He seeks permission from his uncle Luke to visit this cave, to ascertain its reality. Luke grants his request—but only under the condition that Tahiri, R2-D2, and the Jedi Master Ikrit accompany him.
In the swamps of Dagobah, Anakin and his companions encounter dangers exceeding their expectations. However, they do succeed in locating the cave. What awaits them inside? And will Anakin possess sufficient strength in the Force to confront it?
Anakin Solo experiences recurring nightmares in which Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine attempt to entice him toward the dark side. Plagued by uncertainty, Anakin questions his ability to make sound decisions and fears succumbing to the dark side, much like his grandfather. Seeking guidance, he confides in his uncle Luke, who recounts his own encounter with the dark side within the Dark Side Cave on Dagobah. Inspired, Anakin resolves to visit the cave himself to confront his anxieties.
While assisting Peckhum in unloading supplies from his ship, the Lightning Rod, Anakin and Tahiri Veila discover Uldir Lochett, a teenage boy who has stowed away. Uldir, seeking to escape a future as a cargo pilot like his parents, has run away from home with the aspiration of becoming a Jedi at the academy. Luke assesses Uldir's abilities but finds that the Force is weak within him, lacking the potential for Jedi training. Despite this, Uldir persists, and Luke reluctantly permits him to remain at the academy after obtaining consent from his concerned parents.
Jedi Master Ikrit persuades Luke to allow him to escort Anakin and Tahiri to Dagobah to explore the Dark Side Cave. Accompanied by R2-D2 and Peckhum, the trio departs. Defying instructions, Uldir secretly hides aboard the Lightning Rod. Upon landing on Dagobah, Uldir attempts to disembark unnoticed but stumbles and becomes ensnared in the swamp's muck. The others come to his rescue, and Ikrit decides to permit Uldir to join their expedition. However, Uldir initially doubts Ikrit's status as a Jedi Master, as he does not conform to his preconceived image of a Jedi. Nevertheless, he reluctantly joins the group.
Following a journey through the swamp and a brief lesson, Ikrit instructs the three children to take turns guiding the group back to the Lightning Rod. Tahiri leads first, followed by Anakin. Impatient, Uldir arrogantly assumes leadership for the final third of the return trip. His recklessness nearly leads them into the deadly web of a Butcherbug, potentially resulting in their demise. Only through a Force-induced warning from Anakin, Tahiri, and Ikrit are they able to stop him in time.
After replenishing their supplies at the Lightning Rod, the quartet embarks on their journey to the Dark Side Cave. Along the way, they encounter a Spotlight sloth. Despite Anakin and Tahiri sensing impending danger, Uldir dismisses their concerns, as the Spotlight sloth appears harmless. Suddenly, a Knobby white spider emerges, poisoning and devouring the Spotlight sloth. The quartet flees the creature and continues their trek to the cave.
Upon reaching the cave, Uldir expresses his disappointment. He insists on entering first, finding nothing inside but experiencing a sense of unease. He quickly exits the cave and criticizes Tahiri and Anakin for still wanting to enter. Tahiri enters next, experiencing visions of her parents on Tatooine, followed by a vision of her grandfather, whom she discovers was a Jedi Knight. Suddenly, Tahiri finds herself outside the cave.
Finally, Anakin enters the cave. Inside, he discovers it divided into two halves: a light side and a dark side. Two figures materialize: a Light Jedi and a shadowy figure who unleashes blue lightning from his fingertips at the Light Jedi. Anakin interposes himself between the two figures, demanding that they cease their conflict. As he observes them, Anakin realizes that both figures bear his likeness.
Back at the camp, the three children reflect on their experiences. Ikrit advises them that their choices, rather than their upbringing or family lineage, define who they are. Before they can depart the planet, Ikrit reveals that he has a personal quest to fulfill on Dagobah. The quartet journeys to Yoda's hut, where Ikrit discloses that Yoda was the one who discovered and trained him as a Jedi. Ikrit takes this opportunity to mourn his former master.
Returning to Yavin 4, each child has individual discussions with Luke and Tionne Solusar to process their experiences. Later, Uldir inquires of Anakin and Tahiri whether they believe he will ever become a Jedi. They admit their uncertainty but pledge to support him in his pursuit. Uldir remains steadfast in his belief that he can become a Jedi, convinced that with the right equipment, training, and opportunities, he can emulate Anakin and Tahiri's success. He believes that by adopting the appearance and behavior of a Jedi, he will ultimately achieve his goal.