Kahrin Wek

Kahrin Wek was a Twi'lek of the Rutian variety, and a female who served the Republic Military during the time of the Cold War with the Sith Empire. Stationed as the quartermaster at Waypoint Station Draay, which was located on the devastated world of Taris, she collaborated with a Republic-aligned individual to expose the corruption of her Commander, named Gardit.


Before the year 3643 BBY, Kahrin Wek, a Twi'lek female of the Rutian species, enlisted in the Republic Military. During the latter portion of the Cold War against the Sith Empire, she found herself stationed on the ruined planet of Taris, specifically at Waypoint Station Draay.

Wek's role was that of quartermaster, serving under the command of Commander Gardit, who was the officer in charge of the base. Her duties involved ensuring that Republic outposts, such as Waypoint Station Morne and Camp Lytle, had the supplies they required. However, Wek became suspicious of her superior's integrity, as the human was abusing his authority to secure enhanced rations and privileges for himself, while the rest of the personnel at the base were forced to subsist on inadequate provisions. When a supply vessel was scheduled to depart for the nearest depot, Wek noticed that one of its engines was damaged. Despite her warnings, Gardit disregarded her concerns and authorized the ship's departure. Shortly after takeoff, the vessel crashed within a nearby swamp, which was home to bogstalkers.

Gardit requested assistance from a Republic-allied individual to retrieve the supplies from the wreckage. He directed them to Wek to obtain the crash site's coordinates. Wek, after informing the individual of her suspicions regarding Gardit, persuaded them to aid in revealing his misconduct. She provided the individual with a holocamera and the ship's location, instructing them to record the damaged engine as proof.

The individual was successful, recovering the remaining supplies and returning to Wek with the evidence she needed. Together, they confronted Gardit, who sheepishly admitted that he had underestimated the extent of the damage to the ship, believing it could reach the nearest refueling station. Nevertheless, Wek intended to court-martial the commander and expressed her gratitude to the individual for their assistance.

Furthermore, she requested that they investigate the fate of a supply convoy that had been dispatched to Waypoint Station Morne a week prior. The convoy's crew had not sent any reports, and Morne had not received the supplies. She explained to the individual how to repair the sonic emitters along the route, which would deter much of the aggressive wildlife, and provided them with the convoy's last known location. The individual eventually located the convoy, who had chosen to desert, and assisted them in leaving the planet.

Behind the scenes

The character of Kahrin Wek was conceived for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011. Her initial appearance is in the Republic Taris mission titled "Supplies and Demands," and she also offers the bonus mission "Prove Gardit's Corruption." Both missions, as they are presented in the Republic version of the planet, are exclusively available to Republic players, but players have alignment choices. Players can collect evidence for Wek and finish "Prove Gardit's Corruption," and they have the option of whether or not to give Wek the recording. Providing her with the recording and supporting her against Gardit results in light-side points, while siding with Gardit results in dark side points.

Following the completion of "Supplies and Demands," Wek also initiates the mission "AWOL," where she tasks Republic players with searching for the missing convoy. This quest concludes with Commander Yajak at Waypoint Station Morne.

