Yajak was a male Human commander within the Republic Military. He was stationed on Taris as part of the Taris Resettlement Initiative and was in command of Waypoint Station Morne during the period known as the Cold War.
Yajak had achieved the rank of commander in the Republic's armed forces by the time the Cold War was underway. Commander Yajak, a figure of bravery and strong loyalty to the Republic, held the position of authority at Waypoint Station Morne located on Taris. Given Morne's status as one of the more remote outposts associated with the Taris Resettlement Initiative, Yajak and the soldiers under his command maintained a state of readiness to defend their base against threats such as rakghouls, pirates, and scavengers at all times.
During the Cold War period, Morne depended on a supply convoy that arrived monthly from Waypoint Station Draay, situated to the west. However, one month, the individuals assigned to Morne's supply convoy abandoned their duties while returning from Draay, which left Morne without the necessary supplies for that particular month.
Kahrin Wek, the Quartermaster at Draay, began to feel uneasy when word of the convoy's successful arrival at Morne was not received. She then requested a traveling hero, who had previously assisted her in exposing the corruption of Gardit, Draay's commander, to investigate the matter. The hero reactivated the sonic emitters along the route leading to Morne, which cleared the path of rakghouls, nexu, and various other wild creatures.
The hero encountered Gilroh, Geozel, Ferdoin, and the remaining members of the convoy not far from Morne. Gilroh initially attempted to deceive by claiming they had stopped due to an injury, but eventually confessed the truth – they were deserting. The hero chose to allow them to escape, taking into consideration that they had served for five years on an assignment initially meant to last only one year, and assured them that they would not be reported. The hero then informed Commander Yajak that they had discovered the troopers' bodies, allowing the members of the convoy to escape without any issues. Yajak informed the hero that he would send their uniforms back to their families, and thanked the hero for the assistance.
Commander Yajak is a character featured in the BioWare-developed MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic, specifically in the final part of the Taris mission known as "AWOL". The player character is presented with the option to either report the deserters to Yajak or allow them to go free.