Gilroh was a male Human who served with the Republic Military during the time of the Cold War against the reconstituted Sith Empire. After a five-year stint on Taris, he deserted his post, managing to flee with the assistance of a wandering hero.
During the Cold War, Gilroh was a Republic trooper. He was stationed on Taris from 3647 BBY until 3643 BBY, at which point he made the decision to desert. Stationed at Waypoint Station Draay on Taris, Gilroh was among the many troopers who had been serving on the planet for five years, despite the fact that it was supposed to be a one-year assignment. The constant attacks by rakghouls, pirates, and scavengers over those five years had broken the spirits of Gilroh and his comrades, leading them to finally give up.
Sometime around 3643 BBY, Gilroh was assigned to a monthly supply convoy traveling from Waypoint Station Cresh to Waypoint Station Draay in the western region. During one of their runs, he, along with Ferdoin, Geozel, and the rest of the convoy, made the choice to desert, abandoning Morne without the necessary supplies as they sought refuge in the wilderness.
Kahrin Wek, the quartermaster at Draay, began to worry when she didn't receive a response from Morne. As a result, she requested that a traveling hero, who had previously assisted her in exposing the corruption of her superior, Commander Gardit, investigate the situation. The hero located the convoy, and Gilroh initially tried to deceive them by claiming they were simply taking a break. However, he quickly confessed the truth and inquired about the stranger's intentions.
Much to Gilroh's astonishment, instead of reporting them, the hero provided Gilroh with enough credits to secure a spot on a smuggler's ship. Gilroh expressed his gratitude to the hero and shared his plan to find his girlfriend and attempt to reconcile with her. The hero would later inform Gilroh's superior, Commander Yajak, that the convoy's bodies had been discovered in the wilds, ensuring their successful escape.
Gilroh's character was developed for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011. He is featured in the Taris mission titled "AWOL". The player has the option to either allow the troopers to desert, representing the light side choice, or compel them to return to duty, representing the dark side choice.