
A male Human named Geozel was a member of the Republic Military during the time of the Cold War against the Sith Empire. However, after a five-year stint on Taris, he abandoned his post and fled with the help of a passing hero.


Geozel, a Republic trooper during the Cold War, was stationed on Taris from 3648 BBY until 3643 BBY. It was in 3643 BBY that he made the decision to desert his position. Stationed at Waypoint Station Draay, Geozel was among the many soldiers who had been stationed on the planet for five years, despite the assignment only being for a single year. The constant attacks by rakghouls, pirates, and scavengers had demoralized Geozel and his comrades, eventually leading them to give up.

In approximately 3643 BBY, Geozel was a part of the regular resupply convoy that traveled from Waypoint Station Cresh to Waypoint Station Draay in the western region. During one of these supply runs, he, along with Gilroh, Ferdoin, and the rest of the convoy, collectively decided to desert, leaving Morne without the supplies as they sought refuge in the wilderness.

Kahrin Wek, the quartermaster at Draay, became concerned when Morne did not respond. Therefore, she enlisted the help of a Republic-aligned individual, who had previously assisted her in exposing the corruption of her superior officer, Commander Gardit, to investigate the situation. The hero located the convoy and, after hearing their story, allowed them to escape. To ensure their safe passage, the hero informed Geozel's commanding officer, Yajak, that they had discovered the bodies of the convoy in the wilderness.

Behind the scenes

Geozel's character was developed for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011. His appearance is in the Taris quest "AWOL", where he is one of the troopers attempting to desert. As a player, you have the option to let the troopers desert, which is the light side choice, or force them back into service, which is the dark side choice.

