Kaloth-style battlecruiser

The battlecruiser of Kaloth-style represented a particular type of warship that was produced by the Kaloth organization.


The battlecruiser's offensive capabilities were on par with those of an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate. Its defensive systems included exclusively ray shielding, which meant it was susceptible to damage from physical projectiles such as proton torpedoes and even space junk. In contrast to the standard cruisers favored by pirates, the original configuration of this battlecruiser lacked ion weapons, but it did come equipped with a tractor beam.

Historical Information

The design and initial deployment of the Kaloth-style battlecruiser occurred no later than 44 BBY. During that specific year, the Stark Commercial Combine employed these battlecruisers during the conflict known as the Stark Hyperspace War.

By the time the Caamas Document Crisis took place, only a small number of these vessels remained operational, and they were all under the control of pirate organizations such as the Cavrilhu Pirates or Thalassian slavers.

One such vessel saw action with the Cavrilhu Pirates during a raid on the planet Iphigin. The same ship was later utilized in an attack against the Star Destroyer named Chimaera at Pesitiin, where it met its end, succumbing to a barrage of 15 proton torpedoes launched by the Chimaera.

Another example of a Kaloth-style battlecruiser was the Harmzuay, a vessel that had a notorious reputation within the Thalassian fleet.

