Raid at Iphigin

The Raid at Iphigin refers to an assault carried out by the Cavrilhu Pirates targeting freighters belonging to the New Republic. This attack occurred while the freighters were positioned in orbit around the planet Iphigin.


Back in 19 ABY, Iphigin served as the location for a conference. This conference was arranged by Ponc Gavrisom, the Chief of State of the New Republic, with the aim of resolving a disagreement between the Ishori and Diamal. Figures such as Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker were on hand to facilitate the negotiations when the pirates made their presence known in the system.

This particular raid was a component of a larger destabilization campaign initiated by Moff Disra with the intention of undermining the New Republic. The Cavrilhu Pirates were instrumental in his scheme. He furnished them with intelligence and the remaining clones from Mount Tantiss, while they launched attacks on New Republic vessels.

The raid

The assault commenced when the pirates dispatched a suspicious Sarkan freighter on the sun-facing side of the planet, triggering a red alert from Iphigini Customs. Han Solo suspected it was a ruse and chose to intervene. As predicted, a pirate fleet materialized shortly thereafter on the nightside, attacking a pair of New Republic transports. The Millennium Falcon and Luke's X-wing immediately engaged the enemy. While Luke engaged the Corsair fighters, Han and Chewbacca took out the powerful KDY a-4 ion cannon mounted on an antiquated Kaloth cruiser. After Skywalker successfully eliminated all the fighters, the surviving pirate forces made their escape into hyperspace. One of the Corellian Gunships sustained significant damage from the two armed transports.


During the engagement, the Jedi Master experienced a profound disturbance upon realizing that the pirate crews consisted of clones. This realization prompted him to delve deeper into the matter. Han Solo subsequently enlisted Talon Karrde's assistance in aiding the Jedi with his investigation. Karrde dispatched Mara Jade to assist Skywalker in his infiltration of the Cavrilhu base situated within the Kauron asteroid field.

In a parallel development, Admiral Gilad Pellaeon tasked Commander Dreyf of Imperial Intelligence with conducting an inquiry to uncover any potential connections between the pirates and high-ranking Imperial officers.

