Karavis system

The Karavis system was situated within the Obtrexta sector. This sector is a component of the New Territories, which itself is a segment of the Outer Rim Territories.

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the isolated Karavis system housed a Kuat Drive Yards starship assembly line. This line, under the control of the Galactic Empire, was responsible for the construction of the prototype _Dragon_-class Heavy Cruiser named Galaxy Dragon.

In 4 ABY, as the Empire's military was setting a trap for the Rebel Alliance's fleet during the Battle of Endor in the Endor system of the Zuma sector, Imperial Moff Delurin was overseeing the final trials of the Galaxy Dragon. As part of these tests, the heavy cruiser traveled from the Karavis system to the planet Miko located in the Sorella system of the Colonies. There, it initiated an orbital bombardment as retribution for the refusal of the planet's inhabitants, the Mikoans, to submit to Imperial rule.

Behind the curtain

The Karavis system initially appeared in "The Galaxy Dragon and crew," an article penned by Bill Slavicsek. This article served as a supplement for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and was featured in Dragon Magazine 200 in December of 1993. Given that the article's publication occurred outside the purview of the Lucas Licensing process, its canon status within the Star Wars Legends continuity remained unconfirmed. In 2009, the reference book The Essential Atlas pinpointed the Karavis system's location as grid square K-4.


