Keeper of Legends

The position of Keeper of Legends was bestowed upon certain Melodie individuals, whose duty was to acquire knowledge of and transmit tales and legends.


During the time that Sith Lord Exar Kun ruled oppressively over the Massassi inhabiting Yavin 4, he confined the Massassi offspring within a contraption referred to as the Golden Globe. Driven by desperation, the Massassi parents journeyed to Yavin 8 seeking assistance. There, they encountered the unchanged Melodie, who guided them to their Elders. However, the Elders, being exclusively a sea-dwelling race, were unable to offer support due to their inability to leave the water.

In a final attempt to find rescue, the Massassi carved messages into the stones and caverns of Sistra Mountain, with the hope that someone would decipher them and come to their rescue. Regrettably, the Massassi tongue used to inscribe these pleas became extinct in 3996 BBY. During the assault on the jungle moon, the Massassi were exterminated before any help could arrive. Consequently, the Keeper of Legends was tasked with preserving the narrative of the Massassi, the mysteries surrounding the Golden Globe, and other Melodie stories and legends.

Aragon, who was the Keeper of Legends, aided Jedi apprentices Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila in their mission to dismantle the Golden Globe and liberate the Massassi children by furnishing them with details regarding the Golden Globe's beginnings.

Known Keepers of Legends

