Kekit functioned as a Jawa located on Tatooine throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War.
Kekit held the position of chieftain for a small Jawa clan that experienced oppression from a Tusken Raiders tribe. Jennica Pierce, an individual belonging to the Rebel Alliance, recognized an opportunity to forge a greatly desired partnership between the two factions, facilitating improved navigation of the desolate planet for the Rebel Alliance. As recompense for their assistance, they proposed aid in their struggle against the Tuskens. Saponza and his comrade played a crucial role during this operation, leading to Kekit's respect and subsequent offer of clan support should the need arise.
Kekit later honored his commitment—Jawas from his clan actively participated in combat for the Alliance as the Battle for Tatooine reached its conclusion.
Kekit is a character featured in the mobile game titled Star Wars: Commander. Within the Rebel Alliance storyline, Saponza's partner executed a rescue of him, resulting in his alliance with the Alliance and the provision of troops on one particular instance.