Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith, an iconic figure in American media, is known for his work as a filmmaker, podcaster, and all-around media personality. He lent his voice to the "Additional Voices" in The Force Awakens and made a cameo appearance as an extra in the background of The Rise of Skywalker. J.J. Abrams was the one who invited Smith to both of those film sets. Smith also took on the role of host for a TV special dedicated to the Star Wars fan film awards in 2002, was featured in the documentary Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed, gave a presentation at Celebration VI, and made appearances on The Star Wars Show.

Smith's early directorial efforts gained recognition for their frequent allusions to Star Wars, culminating in appearances by Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back from 2001. He also had Star Wars–related cameos in Live Free or Die Hard (2007), Fanboys (2009), and the fan films Starwoids (2001), Hughes the Force (2011), and The Return of Return of the Jedi (2013). In addition, Smith participated in a roundtable discussion alongside Mark Hamill and J.J. Abrams in a Jon Favreau-hosted episode of Dinner for Five that aired in 2005. During the DVD commentary for Attack of the Clones, George Lucas suggests that the Geonosians are the solution to a reference found in Clerks (1994) (Smith's initial and most celebrated movie, which features a scene where two characters contemplate the fate of the contractors responsible for constructing the second Death Star).


  • Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed on History Channel on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • SWCVI: Imperial Troops Have Entered the Base! on (backup link)
  • Star Wars: Episode VII - Filmmakers React on (backup link)
  • The Return of Return of the Jedi: Special Edition on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Making The Return of Return of the Jedi and Celebrating 30 Years of a Film I Love on (backup link)
  • Walt Flanagan Talks Star Wars on Full of Sith on (backup link)
  • Weekly Roundup: June 7, 2013 on (backup link)
  • SDCC 2016: Star Wars Roundup! on (backup link)
  • In a Snap: Greg Grunberg Talks The Force Awakens (on VHS), Working with Star Wars Icons, and Much More on (backup link)
  • Critical Opinion: The Phantom Menace Original Reviews on (backup link)
  • From "Blast that X-Wing!" to "Traitor!": The voices of Star Wars: The Force Awakens on (backup link)
  • Fully Operational Fandom: Star Wars References In Pop Culture on (backup link)
  • The Star Wars Show: Kevin Smith Interview, Rogue One Trailer Reactions, and More | The Star Wars Show on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Star Wars Show: Kevin Smith on the Impact of Star Wars, Revisiting the Prequels, and More | The Star Wars Show on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Star Wars Show: We Assure You, Kevin Smith Loves Star Wars on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)

Notes and references
