Kex was a Mandalorian warrior, specifically a male one, who held the position of quartermaster at the Mandalorian camp located on Dxun following the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War. Before his time at the camp, Mandalore the Preserver discovered him working as hired muscle for various Hutts on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. Despite engaging in trade with Meetra Surik, buying and selling goods, he harbored a strong animosity towards the Jedi. This was due in part to Surik's Jedi status and her being an outsider, and also because he suffered defeat at her hands in the Battle Circle. He participated in the Battle of Telos IV as a member of Mandalore's strike force, an engagement that resulted in the death of Darth Nihilus and the destruction of the warship Ravager.
When Kex issues a challenge to Surik, the player gets to determine the conditions of the fight: they can opt for unarmed combat, sword fighting, or the utilization of Force abilities and a lightsaber.