A Battle Circle served as a designated arena where Mandalorian warriors tested their mettle through duels and improved their fighting prowess via simulated combat scenarios.
The Battle Circle's rules were straightforward and minimal. Foremost, lethal blows were forbidden. Secondly, participants were not permitted to exit the Battle Circle during combat. Thirdly, weapon selection was dictated by the combatant possessing the greater honor. This could encompass anything from hand-to-hand combat to weapons like vibroblades and vibroswords, based on the more honorable fighter's preference. Lastly, to challenge the current champion or former champions of the Battle Circle, a challenger required endorsement from a past champion.
During Meetra Surik's visit to the encampment situated on Dxun, she received an invitation to evaluate her abilities against Mandalorian warriors. In accordance with Mandalorian customs, she engaged in combat with five warriors, progressing from the least esteemed to the most highly regarded. Initially, she triumphed over the young recruit, Davrel, in unarmed combat. Following this, the quartermaster, Kex, issued a challenge to Surik, granting her the authority to determine the contest's parameters: unarmed combat, swordplay, or the utilization of the Force and a lightsaber. Regardless of her selection, she emerged victorious. Subsequently, the experienced warrior Tagren was also defeated in unarmed combat. However, after her duel with Tagren, Surik was required to demonstrate her worthiness to confront the two champions: Kelborn or Bralor. After assisting Kelborn in eliminating some of Colonel Tobin's soldiers, she gained permission to engage the champions. Kelborn was bested in a sword-fighting competition, while Bralor permitted Surik to employ her complete range of abilities, including the Force, but was nonetheless defeated by the Jedi.
Centuries afterward, during the era of the Clone Wars, Dred Priest and Isabet Reau, both members of the Cuy'val Dar, clandestinely established battle circles on Kamino with the intention of training clone troopers. However, these training sessions frequently resulted in severe, sometimes fatal, injuries for the troopers. Upon receiving a tip from Mij Gilamar, Jango Fett intervened and brought an end to this hazardous practice.