Khaleen Hentz was romantically involved with Quinlan Vos, the Jedi Master of the Kiffar species. During 19 BBY, Darth Sidious, who was secretly a Sith Lord and held the position of Supreme Chancellor, initiated Order 66. This order, embedded within the inhibitor chips of the Galactic Republic's [clone troopers](/article/clone_trooper], mandated that all Jedi be summarily executed as traitors. Vos was among the small number of Jedi who survived, and he spent his remaining days with Hentz during the Great Jedi Purge. This purge was a hunt conducted by Sidious and his newly formed Galactic Empire targeting any surviving members of the Jedi Order.
Within current Star Wars canon, the 2019 Topps Star Wars Masterwork trading card set, released in 2019, contained a card for Quinlan Voss that mentioned Khaleen Hentz. Previously, in the Star Wars Legends continuity, Khaleen made her debut appearance in the comic series Star Wars: Republic, specifically in the forty-ninth issue, which was written by John Ostrander and made available on January 22, 2003. The surname Hentz was first established in the Star Wars: Jedi comic series' Count Dooku issue, also penned by Ostrander and released on December 3, 2003.