Kimbral, a pilot of the E'roni species and female, possessed light skin and reddish-brown hair. She journeyed to Jedha to participate in the Summit on Jedha. Prior to the commencement of the Battle of Jedha, she found herself in Enlightenment, where she became acquainted with Paternok, an Eirami soldier.
In the High Republic Era, specifically during the High Republic Era, Kimbral participated as a combatant in the Eiram and E'ronoh War. In the year 382 BBY, Kimbral made a visit to the tapbar known as Enlightenment and there encountered the Eirami soldier named Paternok.
As a female E'roni, Paternok was a soldier who had pale skin and auburn [hair](/article/hair]. She engaged in combat during the Eiram and E'ronoh War and harbored a sense of distrust towards the Eirami people.