A kinetite charge, also known as a kinetite generator, functioned as a specific kind of concussion field generator.
By employing concussion vector vanes alongside transmission planes, a kinetite generator propelled kinetic energy towards a concussion field generator. Within this generator, the energy was accumulated as a kinetite charge. Subsequently, this stored kinetic energy could be unleashed in the form of a broadly distributed concussion blast.
The war club utilized by Ushar of the Knight of Ren incorporated a kinetite generator. It leveraged a substantial, blunt extremity to accumulate a concussion charge, which was then discharged as an impactful shockwave.
Enfys Nest employed an Electroripper staff that harnessed a kinetite charge. The shockwaves produced by this charge proved highly effective during combat. On several occasions, she unleashed substantial blast waves to knock down groups of individuals, notably when she deployed her staff against Crimson Dawn's Hylobon Enforcers. During her confrontation with Tobias Beckett aboard a 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport, Enfys employed a considerably smaller blast wave, which was still powerful enough to propel him backward by several meters. Shortly thereafter, Enfys utilized the same reduced-scale blast in an acrobatic maneuver involving a pole vault onto her awaiting Swoop, enabling her to bridge the gap between the conveyex and her means of escape.