Kingberries represented a specific berry variety that was grown on the Outer Rim planet of Hetzal Prime, which was an agriworld famous for its food production. During the year of 232 BBY, kingberries were ripe and ready for harvest during the same time that honeyfruit and ice melons, which are two additional kinds of fruit, were also in season; these berries were grown on terraces covered in vines. In that year, Zeffren Ecka, the minister of the Hetzal system, observed harvester droids harvesting honeyfruit, kingberries, and ice melons while looking out the window of his office's, and he made a mental note that another crop would be ready for harvest by the following month.
The 2021 novel, Light of the Jedi, featured kingberries; this novel was penned by Charles Soule and served as a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.