Kirba, known as the Forgotten, was a Gormak mutant who made his home inside the Shrine of Silence located on Voss.
During their time occupying Voss, the ancient Sith carried out numerous experiments on the planet. One such experiment involved exposing beings strongly connected to the dark side to a world saturated with the Force. Among those subjected to these experiments was a being that would become known as the Curse, and a Gormak named Kirba. However, when the newly evolved Voss launched an attack and wiped out the Sith, the test subjects were left to fend for themselves as the Sith structures crumbled into ruins. While the creature thrived and evolved to such a degree that its original species became unidentifiable, consuming and corrupting everything around it, Kirba remained confined to the room where the Sith had experimented on him and the creature, separated from the rest of the area by a wide chasm. He spent his days wandering among the tables and devices, yearning for his freedom.
As the millennia passed, the ruins became known to the local Voss as the Shrine of Silence. Eventually, Voss Mystics Rada-Ki and Tem-Su volunteered to survey the Shrine of Silence to aid in reconstruction efforts following the Invasion of Voss. The Shrine Restoration Initiative were too busy to respond to their request, leading them to venture out on their own, unwilling to wait any longer. The two were escorted to the shrine by a team of Voss commandos, but they ultimately fell prey to the Curse's corrupting influence and were enslaved by it. Tem-Su's mother, Jiri-Su, dispatched the Alliance Commander to rescue the Mystics. As they made their way through the Shrine, they solved a puzzle that granted them access to the old Sith lab, where they encountered Kirba, who believed that killing them would earn him his freedom. A Reality Disruption Instigator in the room summoned Voss commandos that had been corrupted by the Curse to assist Kirba in his fight against the Commander. Despite their efforts, Kirba was defeated, and the Gormak cried out that it refused to die in the labs it had been abandoned in, warning the Commander that the Curse would ultimately be their downfall.