
KkH'Oar'Rrhr, alternatively known as Hoar, was a Tusken Raider male from Tatooine who possessed Force-sensitivity. He was also a practitioner of Teräs Käsi, an artist of this martial art, during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Early life

KkH'Oar'Rrhr's tribe was slaughtered by Anakin Skywalker in 22 BBY.

During the final years of the Galactic Republic, KkH'Oar'Rrhr came into existence as a male Tusken Raider on the planet of Tatooine, a world harshly irradiated by its suns. He exhibited a strong connection to the Force, the mystical energy field that united the galaxy and granted unique abilities to those skilled in its use. He was a member of the Rrhr hunting band, one of the many Tusken clans inhabiting Tatooine's vast wilderness. In 22 BBY, the Rrhr clan took Shmi Skywalker Lars, a Human, as their captive. Shortly thereafter, Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Padawan, arrived to liberate his mother. Witnessing her death in his arms, he succumbed to rage and massacred the entire village. Hoar survived only because he was away, forming a bond with his bantha at that moment. Following this devastating event, KkH'Oar'Rrhr was taken in by a clan led by A'Sharad Hett, a Tusken leader of Human origin.

One day, the youthful KkH'Oar'Rrhr trespassed into a strange residence situated within the Dune Sea. The dwelling was rumored to belong to a powerful wizard, and KkH'Oar'Rrhr intended to pilfer one of his magical items. The Tusken then came across an unusual weapon, unknowingly the lightsaber once wielded by Anakin Skywalker. Upon touching the weapon, KkH'Oar'Rrhr experienced a vision of a Human youth concealing his face with a menacing black mask and preparing to strike him down. He was roused when the "wizard"—actually Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master in hiding—returned, and he promptly departed.

After recounting his "daring escape from the wizard" to his companions Bordo and Sliven, Hoar was informed that the Human in his vision must have been the "Demon Outlander" responsible for the Rrhr clan's massacre years prior. Soon after, clan leader A'Sharad Hett discovered KkH'Oar'Rrhr's Force-sensitivity. Hett, a former Jedi himself, decided to mentor Hoar as his successor. The young Tusken was taught to channel his aggression through the Teräs Käsi martial art and was also instructed in the basics of Galactic Basic Standard. KkH'Oar'Rrhr received a unique, bisected gaderffii stick and trained in dual-weapon combat. As KkH'Oar'Rrhr's power grew, he became an inspiration to the younger Raiders.

Maw and the Grave Tuskens

Maw, the Dark Jedi who recruited KkH'Oar'Rrhr and his nomads

Around 17 BBY, KkH'Oar'Rrhr participated in a raid near the Lars homestead, the site where his family had once captured Shmi Skywalker. Obi-Wan Kenobi, who protected the homestead, confronted A'Sharad Hett in front of his entire army. The chieftain was defeated in a lightsaber duel, and Kenobi exposed Hett's face during the battle, an act considered deeply shameful in Tusken culture. Consequently, Hett was immediately ostracized by his tribesmen. KkH'Oar'Rrhr, however, retained his admiration for his master and chose to leave Tatooine in search of him, accompanied by many devoted Raiders. Together, they embarked on a lengthy search for Hett throughout the Outer Rim Territories, but their efforts proved fruitless. Eventually, KkH'Oar'Rrhr and his comrades became disheartened wanderers.

While exploring Dromund Kaas, KkH'Oar'Rrhr encountered Maw, a former Jedi Shadow who had embraced the dark side of the Force. Maw transported KkH'Oar'Rrhr and his nomads to Tython, the birthplace of the Jedi Order, where they were transformed into the "Grave Tuskens." Their mission was to plunder ancient Jedi tombs for valuable artifacts. In tribute to A'Sharad Hett, KkH'Oar'Rrhr and his warriors adopted masks that left their faces exposed. Soon after, the Grave Tuskens' activities attracted the attention of Arden Lyn, an ancient Human cyborg who served as one of the Emperor's Hands.

Hoar's revenge

After Lyn disrupted one of the Grave Tuskens' raids, KkH'Oar'Rrhr engaged her in a duel. However, Lyn's Teräs Käsi skills surpassed KkH'Oar'Rrhr's considerable abilities. Despite his defeat, he later joined Lyn's school of Teräs Käsi after surprising her with his knowledge of the martial art. She promised to make him more powerful than he could imagine. Seeing an opportunity to grow stronger, he abandoned the Grave Tuskens and trained under her guidance. Armed with the gaderffii, the traditional Tusken weapon, Hoar became Arden Lyn's student. With her instruction, he refined his combat skills and mastery of Teräs Käsi. In close combat, Hoar wore the traditional Tusken battle mask, featuring long, metal extensions on either side of the jaw to protect the throat. He eventually channeled his Force abilities into Teräs Käsi, becoming a destructive force.

Profile of Hoar.

Lyn later revealed a hologram of Luke Skywalker, a member of the Rebel Alliance. Due to Skywalker's resemblance to the "Demon Outlander" who annihilated his clan, as well as his possession of the lightsaber Hoar had seen in the wizard's hut, he resolved to hunt down and avenge his clan by killing Skywalker. However, Obi-Wan Kenobi's Force ghost constantly protected Skywalker, frustrating the Tusken. He later modified each half of Hett's gaffi stick into a functional lightsaber, using instructions stolen from the Tython Tombs during an earlier raid. He eventually experienced a crisis of conscience when he and Lyn encountered Darth Vader, whom the Tusken noted strongly resembled the masked figure from his vision. He questioned whether there were two Demon Outlanders, whether Vader and Skywalker were the same person, or if his childhood trauma was driving him insane.

His conclusion remained unknown, although he eventually encountered Skywalker and fought him. After defeating Skywalker in combat, he spared him, defying Lyn's orders, due to another vision. He then fled, but not before engaging Lyn in a deadly battle. Rumor had it that he attempted to hunt down Vader and Hett, which led him as far as the Outer Rim planet of Shumari.

Vader, exhausted after dueling Tao, his former apprentice, was caught off guard when the Tusken Raider attacked him, knocking him to the ground. As Vader lay defeated, the Tusken prepared to deliver the final blow, but Vader's dying apprentice Tao intervened, saving Vader and urging him to resist the Emperor's control, sensing some good within his master.

Behind the scenes

Tusken Raider from Perfect Evil

Hoar's initial appearance was as a playable character in the fighting game Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi. Further information about him was not available until his backstory was elaborated upon in the second part of the Star Wars blog article Barely Tolerable: Alien Henchmen of the Empire. This article connected him to various existing Expanded Universe elements and revealed that he was the sole survivor of Anakin Skywalker's attack on the village in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. According to Abel G. Peña, one of the blog's authors, Hoar was his favorite character in Masters of Teras Kasi after extensive gameplay.

The ending of his section strongly suggests that he is the Tusken Raider in the Perfect Evil manga's climax who fought and severely wounded Vader on Shumari before being killed. However, stories from Star Wars Manga were published in English in the United Kingdom under the Infinities label, classifying the material as non-canonical. Daniel Wallace also explicitly stated in the article We Need to Talk About Jar Jar, written for Star Wars Insider 131 in February 2012, that the stories in the Star Wars Manga: Black comic trade paperback are non-canon. While the planet Shumari is referenced in The Essential Atlas, including the Shumari system in its appendix, Jason Fry stated that "its inclusion shouldn't be taken as a statement of canonicity for anything except the geography."

Therefore, it can be inferred that while Hoar's encounter with Vader on Shumari has been canonized, the rest of the story, including Tao's involvement and Hoar's death, has not. As such, the confrontation between Hoar and Vader in the manga becomes a non-canonical depiction of a canonical event, similar to Anakin's massacre of the Tusken tribe. Abel G. Peña explained that his decision to make Hoar the Tusken Raider who ambushed Vader in the manga stemmed from his excitement over Hoar defeating Vader in Masters of Teras Kasi—where Vader was the final boss—and his desire to resolve a perceived non-sequitur regarding the Tusken Raider's sudden appearance in the climax of what he considered an otherwise compelling story.

