The lone Geonosian who lived through the Galactic Empire's attempt to exterminate his species, and who the Phoenix Cell later called "Klik-Klak", built a small droid army. This army was designed to safeguard what he believed was the final chance for the survival of his people: a Geonosian queen egg. Klik-Klak's droid army consisted of B1 battle droids, a minimum of one OOM command battle droid, and droidekas. Besides taking care of the droids, Klik-Klak also maintained a deflector shield generator and kept a sonic blaster within his dwelling.
During 2 BBY, the battle droids fought against the Partisans team that had landed on Geonosis to investigate. Saw Gerrera, their leader, lived through the encounter and aided the Phoenix Cell members who came to Geonosis to locate him inside the Geonosian catacombs, which enabled them to get around the battle droids. Furthermore, Sabine Wren and Garazeb Orrelios, who were also members of the Phoenix Cell, ran into a group of droidekas while on the planet's surface.