Knockback Nectar

Knockback Nectar was a potent alcoholic drink that was both produced and distributed on the desert planet of Jakku. Ergel, the bartender at his bar on Jakku, exclusively served this beverage, dispensing it to patrons in an oil can. Ergel asserted that the drink possessed the strength to intoxicate a space slug. His theory was that it was created using lichen harvested from butte rocks in the southern region and subsequently preserved in a fuel barrel, although he typically refrained from inquiring about its precise composition from those who supplied it. When the human Corwin Ballast visited Ergel's establishment, he consumed a can of Knockback Nectar, which resulted in a buzzing sensation in his teeth, numbness in his gums, and a raw quality to his voice. The drink's color resembled that of hydraulic fluid and contained spongy, floating particles. Its flavor profile consisted of sour saliva, followed by a motor oil-like aftertaste.

Behind the scenes

The novel Aftermath, penned by Chuck Wendig and published in 2015, marked the initial introduction of Knockback Nectar.

