Kompaktor was a Haxion Brood crime syndicate operative, functioning as a Haxion Brood Bounty Droid during the Imperial Era. Originally a loadlifter droid, the droid underwent reprogramming and received enhancements via salvaged components by the Haxion Brood. It featured green plating, yellow sensors, and a wrist blaster integrated into its design.
In 14 BBY, Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis engaged Kompaktor in combat. Ultimately, the Jedi triumphed, resulting in the droid's destruction.
Kompaktor made its debut in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a video game released in 2019 by Respawn Entertainment. Within the game, after the player attempts to return to the Stinger Mantis ship following a visit to the Zeffonian Tomb of Miktrull located on the planet Zeffo, any of the Haxion Brood bounty hunters, including Kompaktor, may ambush and capture the player.
Should Kestis awaken imprisoned on the Haxion Brood's base of operations, Ordo Eris, and Kompaktor was the bounty hunter responsible for his capture, a battle will ensue within the Haxion Fight Pit, culminating in the droid's demise. Alternatively, if Kestis was captured by a different bounty hunter, the player may encounter Kompaktor in various locations after the Ordo Eris section of the game's narrative. The player can opt to destroy the droid and scan it to unlock the "Haxion Brood Bounty Droid" tactical guide entry, provided it hasn't been obtained previously.