Kono Nolan

title: Kono Nolan

An individual by the name of Kono Nolan, a male Human scientist, was employed by the Galactic Republic on the aquatic planet of Manaan in the era of the Jedi Civil War.


Nolan was the lead scientist at Hrakert Station, a clandestine Galactic Republic facility situated on the ocean floor of Manaan around 3956 BBY. When the station was attacked by deranged Selkath, he and Sami were among the small number of people rescued by the amnesiac Revan as he looked for the Star Map.

Despite being a Republic scientist, Nolan lacked morals and did not care about the ethical implications of his experiments. He pushed for the use of a new poison to eliminate the Progenitor. He became enraged when Revan, acting on Sami's suggestion, chose to destroy the station instead.

Behind the scenes

If the player chooses the dark side alignment, Revan has the option to poison the Progenitor and/or murder one or both of the scientists. Unleashing the poison has significant repercussions: Revan is permanently barred from Manaan, and the cost of medkits increases throughout the game. Alternatively, if the dark-side player possesses sufficient Persuade skill, Revan can return to the planet and use his persuasive abilities to convince the Selkath to keep the incident a secret.

