A Twi'lek woman named Kopri held the rank of Captain within the Palace Guard at the Imperial Palace located on Coruscant. She served under Borsk Fey'lya, the Chief of State of the New Republic, and was identified as female.
Kopri, while on duty guarding the Imperial Palace, came across Finn Galfridian and his droid companion, Prowl, as they tried to get into Chief Fey'lya's residence. Finn, who was already wanted for escaping after being accused of being an assassin, managed to enter the building and confront the Chief of State. Kopri then pursued the Jedi using a flutterpack. Ultimately, she apprehended Finn, but released him when Prowl created a stalemate. After Finn explained the situation, they sought out the Imperial ambassador, whom Finn claimed was a Vong infiltrator and the real assassin.
At the quarters of ambassador Yarmond, the pair confronted the disguised Vong. Zakar seized Kopri from behind, while Yarmond tried to force Finn to accompany him to Tsalok. Kopri was freed when Dray|Master Dray arrived and killed Zakar. As Dray began to attack Yarmond, Finn and Kopri ran away.
In Invasion: Revelations 4, Kopri, when contacting the Imperial ambassador, introduces herself as Captain Kirpo. Randy Stradley mentioned on the Dark Horse Comics message boards that this error would be fixed in the trade paperback edition.