Dray (Fallen Jedi)

During the Clone Wars, Dray was a male Human Jedi Padawan. He served as an apprentice to Jedi Master Salmara and participated in a mission that involved the rogue Sith Lord Darth Maul alongside his brother, Savage Opress. On Moorjhone, he sustained injuries while rescuing Master Judd from Maul. As the Order faced destruction everywhere across the galaxy, and the Galactic Republic transformed into an Empire under the control of the Sith, he went into exile on Nar Shaddaa.

Dray eventually succumbed to the influence of the dark side of the Force. In 25 ABY, as the Yuuzhan Vong War commenced, he experienced visions foretelling the enemy's devastation of the New Republic and the New Jedi Order. Driven by these visions, he became convinced that the despicable Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya needed to be eliminated, as revealed in another vision.

Upon being discovered by Finn Galfridian, a recent Jedi trainee, Dray skillfully manipulated him into becoming his apprentice, using him as a means to reach Fey'lya. Although he nearly succeeded on Coruscant, Finn recognized the deception and thwarted his plan before fleeing the planet.


The Clone Wars

Dray, a Human male who was Force-sensitive, was inducted into the Jedi Order and underwent training in the ways of the Force. He was later chosen to be the Padawan of Jedi Master Salmara. In 20 BBY, the Jedi High Council summoned Dray and his master, assigning them a mission concerning the Sith Lord Darth Maul, who had recently been confirmed to have survived his duel against Obi-Wan Kenobi. Dray expressed doubt to his master, questioning how Maul could still be alive after being cut in half, but Salmara assured him that Maul's inherent hatred made such a feat possible.

Dray's Master, Salmara.

After their arrival, the Jedi Council tasked Salmara, along with Master Judd, with determining the reasons behind Ja'Boag—a Gossam associated with the Commerce Guild—placing a bounty on Maul and his brother, Savage Opress. Salmara questioned how someone outside the Jedi Order could know about Maul's survival; Mace Windu explained that uncovering this information was their objective, while exercising caution around Ja'Boag. Judd inquired about their course of action if they found the dark side brothers, and Grand Master Yoda revealed that Kenobi was already tracking them, but they should offer assistance if possible. Windu also assigned Salmara and the others to investigate the silence of the native population of Moorjhone since the arrival of Ja'Boag's mining company. He urged the trio to heed the Force and act accordingly.

Maul and Opress also journeyed to Moorjhone, arriving before the Jedi, and massacred many of Ja'Boag's security forces, flinging Ja'Boag off a balcony. The Jedi arrived just in time, and Salmara used the Force to save Ja'Boag's life. As Judd activated his lightsaber, the two Zabrak brothers looked down on them from above—Opress was concerned about being discovered, while Maul was filled with wicked delight.

After Salmara rescued Ja'Boag, the Gossam commanded his troops to attack, but Salmara urged them to wait. She then attempted to negotiate with the Sith brothers, asking them to surrender. Opress responded by threatening their lives, and Judd mocked Salmara for her "good diplomacy". The Nightbrothers attacked, slaughtering Ja'Boag's troopers. Judd intervened, clashing his lightstaff against their blades. Maul swiftly struck Judd's snout with his lightsaber hilt, causing blood to splatter. Judd surprised the two Zabraks by knocking Opress down and deflecting Maul's counterattack. He then taunted Maul about his missing legs, but Opress unleashed his rage, knocking both combatants away.

Dray remained by Salmara's side as she hurled a large container at Opress. Despite Maul's warning, Opress carelessly opened the container, which was filled with carbonite. Opress was instantly frozen, much to Maul's dismay. Judd again mocked Maul for his cybernetic enhancements, but Maul seized Judd's right arm with his mechanical foot and broke it. Maul then told Judd that he would have preferred to prolong his death, but Dray rushed forward and stabbed Maul from behind. Maul retaliated, severing both of Dray's hands and tossing them aside. As Dray fell to his knees, Salmara and the corporate troopers pursued Maul, but he escaped by collapsing the tunnel on his pursuers.

Dray and Judd were taken to a medical bay, where Doctor Tresfor treated their injuries and reattached Dray's hands before submerging him in a bacta tank.

Once Dray had recovered from his injuries, with his hands still bandaged, Maul attacked the mining facility with an army of manipulated Moorjhoni. Despite Salmara's objections, Dray insisted on joining his master to prevent Ja'Boag's escape, while Judd confronted Maul outside. Soon, the Jedi cornered Ja'Boag in his control room just before Maul arrived and trapped them. The Sith Lord used the Force to release Opress from his carbonite prison. Dray realized what was happening and tried to warn Salmara, who was right behind Opress, but it was too late; the towering Zabrak stabbed her in the back, seriously wounding her.

Holocron Gate-keeper

Some years later, either before or during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Dray had a vision concerning the future of Finn Galfridian, the latest Padawan of the New Jedi Order. He incorporated this vision into his holocron, making the information accessible only to Finn, and then initiated a plan to deliver the holocron to him. The holocron also contained information about Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators wearing ooglith maskers.

Meeting the Prophesied Prince

In 25 ABY, Finn Galfridian traveled to Nar Shaddaa in search of information and encountered Dray, who initially struggled to recognize the young Jedi.

As a holocron gate-keeper, Dray later cautioned Finn about the impending revelation of someone close to him and the pursuit by Tsalok. He also instructed Finn to return to Artorias. On the journey back from Artorias, the holocron reactivated, informing Finn that his past was behind him and that he must seek out Dray to discover his purpose.

Upon Finn's arrival on Nar Shaddaa, Dray searched for him and found him unconscious on the ground. Finn's droid, Prowl, explained that he had fainted. Dray managed to awaken Finn. Finn admitted that Dray was not what he had expected. Dray responded by saying that Finn was what he expected as he had been appearing to Dray in visions for a long time. When Dray took him into his room, he sensed a feeling of loss in Finn. Finn confided in him about his father's death, and asked Dray how he knew. Dray revealed to him that he had foreseen the event, along with the Battle of Coruscant and the destruction of the Jedi Praxeum. He foresaw that the galaxy and the Jedi would survive these atrocities but not a weapon that the Yuuzhan Vong were currently creating, and that Finn was the only one who could stand against this weapon. When Finn suggested that Dray alert Master Skywalker to the threat, he refused, admitting that he and Skywalker did not see eye to eye. Dray told Finn that if Skywalker pooled all of the Jedi to stand against this threat, then there would be no one to stop the Yuuzhan Vong.

Visions and Assassins

When Dray received a vision of Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya being killed by Yuuzhan Vong, he and Finn traveled to Coruscant. He tasked Finn with locating the disguised Vong agents as he waited for word. He helped get Finn out of lockup when he was captured and was soon contacted to confront the Vong, led by disguised Imperial Remnant ambassador Yarmond. Finn was at a disadvantage but soon realized that the Vong had no wish to harm Fey'lya as his cowardice made it easy to manipulate him. Suspicious, Finn questioned Dray's motives. Dray revealed his arrival by beheading one of the Vong with a red-bladed lightsaber and answering that he wanted the Vong out of the way, implying he was there to kill Fey'lya.

Finn recognized his teacher's true nature and did everything he could to stop Dray. Because Captain Kopri of the Palace Guard knew "too much" of what was transpiring and tried to have her killed, yet she and Finn managed to escape. Before going after both Finn and Kopri, Dray put Yarmond out of his misery with his blade.

Later, Kopri arrived with guards at her side and demanded that Dray surrender, but the fallen Jedi had murdered the Guards with Force lightning and went after both Finn and Kopri. He caught up with them in the hanger bay, where he threw his lightsaber at Finn. However, Prowl sacrificed himself for his master as he intercepted the path of the lightsaber's blade, causing it to impale him. Dray grabbed a hold of the ship with the Force and tried to persuade Finn to join him and rule the galaxy by his side, but the young Galfridian declined and Force-pushed Dray, causing him to lose his grip on the shuttle. Watching his prey escape, Dray left, taking Prowl's remains with him.

Later on, Dray watched in disgust as Finn's mother, Queen Nina Galfridian, revealed her true Vong form via HoloNet.

Personality and traits

As a Padawan, Dray was a skeptic regarding the mysteries of the Force. For instance, he questioned the possibility of Darth Maul surviving sai tok. Salmara did her best to explain to the boy about what the dark side could do. The often humorous-looking Dray always sought to help his master, and sought her proximity. He got on well with her and seldom questioned her because he wanted to learn from her. He had the courage to attack the former Sith Lord Darth Maul as he threatened to overpower the Jedi Master Judd and easily coped with the loss of his hands. When his master was killed by Savage Opress, the anger took over in him, so he gave himself to have his revenge against him. Despite his very young age, Dray was especially brave when he saved an injured Judd from Darth Maul's blade.

Following the Great Jedi Purge, Dray suffered a severe gunshot wound on his head. The consequences of this wounding and his loneliness drove him crazy and developed a tendency to tantrums. He therefore turned to the dark side of power. Dray learned the ability to generate power bolts and did not hesitate to use them against sentient beings. His dark side strength made him powerful enough to stop a spaceship from launching. Dray set himself the goal of dominating the galaxy. As the Yuuzhan Vong stood in the way of realizing his intentions, he regarded them as enemies and sought their destruction. He knew that he needed the young Jedi Finn Galfridian to prevent the completion of a powerful weapon of the invaders. He made no attempt to convert him, but could not prevent his escape. Nevertheless, he was convinced to find Finn again. He categorized the extragalactic species as living beings because their loved ones were invisible in power. So he considered Luke Skywalker's defensive approach to the invaders wrong.

Powers and abilities

During the Clone Wars, Judd believed Dray possessed sufficient strength in the Force to confront Darth Maul and survive.

Dray was prone to experiencing Force visions, albeit with limited control. The vision of Coruscant's fall was so intense that it threw him across his hideout.

Upon revealing his dark side allegiance, he unleashed a barrage of Force lightning upon a squad of New Republic Palace Guards, killing them swiftly.

