Nina Galfridian

Nina Galfridian, a Yuuzhan Vong Shamed One female, held the title of Queen of Artorias. She resided with her Human spouse, Caled Galfridian, and his offspring, Finn and Kaye, when the Yuuzhan Vong initiated their invasion in 25 ABY. During this invasion, she and her stepdaughter were captured by the invaders. Caled was left behind, and Finn was enlisted by Luke Skywalker for Jedi training to contribute to the war effort. Later, following its liberation by Artorian refugees, she formed a bond with the Heart of Artorias.


Battle of Artorias

The specifics of Nina's arrival in the galaxy remain unknown; however, she was present by 6 ABY, at which point she was enslaved to the Duros named Dowron. She remained as Dowron's slave for a period of two years. Subsequently, Dowron attempted to establish a settlement on Artorias. Caled Galfridian, the planet's monarch, regained control from Dowron's thugs, compelling Dowron to deactivate the control chip that bound her. Immediately after, Nina killed Dowron with her own hands, and soon after, she seduced Caled.

Before the invasion of Artorias, Nina and her stepdaughter Kaye were engaged in shopping at the marketplace. While conversing with her friend Jenny, a significant explosion shook the marketplace, causing merchandise to shatter and debris to scatter across the square. Jenny sustained severe injuries from the flying debris and collapsed in Nina's arms. As Yuuzhan Vong warriors advanced, Nina instructed Kaye to escape the marketplace. Kaye reluctantly complied, promising to return with her father, while Nina attempted to stop Jenny's bleeding. The warriors either killed or captured everyone who remained in the market, including Nina and the injured Jenny.

As Kaye was exiting the market square, she was knocked down by a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. Despite the warrior's armor and imposing size, Kaye managed to kill him, taking advantage of his arrogance. However, she was captured soon after. Nina was reunited with her stepdaughter when both Galfridians, Jenny, and other Artorians were imprisoned on a Yuuzhan Vong slaveship, an event which her stepson Finn sensed through the Force. Nina's husband Caled and Finn attempted a rescue, but were forced to retreat to a hangar where they were besieged by a Yuuzhan Vong force. However, they were rescued by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker who took Finn and the refugees toward transport ships offplanet. Caled, however, chose to stay on Artorias, organizing a force to strike back at the invaders. After demonstrating his Force ability when he sensed his family in danger, Finn was recruited by Skywalker for Jedi training at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4.

On the Tsam P'ah

Nina, Kaye, and the other prisoners were transferred to the slaveship, Tsam P'ah, where they endured terrible conditions. While she was tending to Jenny's injuries, a Yuuzhan Vong warrior approached the queen and demanded that she serve the ship's commander. Nina requested medical supplies to treat Jenny's wounds, but the Yuuzhan Vong refused and reiterated his demand that she serve the vessel's commander. Nina responded that she only served the Artorian people, leading the warrior to strike her for her defiance. Her stepdaughter Kaye intervened, offering herself to the commander instead. Jenny said that she could have gone, to which Nina replied that she had been a slave once and would not be one again. Nina informed Kaye that Jenny had died, after she had returned from her meeting.

The grief that Nina experienced from Jenny's passing, combined with the belief that she had also lost her stepson and husband, plunged Nina into a catatonic state. Kaye was unable to bring her out of it, though she made sure to entrust her care to the Artorian prisoners while she formulated a plan to wrest control of the Tsam P'ah from the control of Commander Sha'kel.

Nina Galfridian entering the Tsam P'ah's cognition throne.

As the prisoners began to fight back, Kaye assigned a few of the Artorians to keep the queen away from the conflict. Evading her carers, Nina managed to look out onto Artorias and, upon seeing it engulfed in flames, realized that her husband was still alive and fighting the Yuuzhan Vong. This realization brought her out of her catatonic state, allowing her to join Kaye after the Tsam P'ah was captured. Expressing her pride in her stepdaughter, she decided to link with the Tsam P'ah to gain control of the vessel, feeling that this was her burden rather than inflicting another one on her stepdaughter. Despite the pain of the bonding process, Nina was able to take control of the vessel, jumping it into hyperspace and ramming a couple of Yorik-Vec assault cruisers in the process.

The Heart of Artorias

Nina subsequently piloted the renamed Heart of Artorias out of hyperspace and assisted in the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong forces attacking the Dibrook Space Station. During this period, she engaged in a battle of wills with the yammosk installed on Dibrook that was attempting to regain control of the Heart of Artorias. As a consequence of the yammosks continual attempts to reassert control of its wayward ship, Nina landed some distance away from the life signs that the refugees had detected as she was uncertain if she could resist if they were any closer to the source.

Destruction on Dibrook

Nina was at the helm of the Heart during the Battle of Dibrook. She was contacted via villip by Commander Tsalok who demanded the return of the Yuuzhan Vong ship. Nina refused and mocked the commander for his retreat from Dibrook. He then revealed his intention to pursue the queen's son, Finn. When Kaye and Arbeloa encountered prisoners being transformed into thralls, the queen ordered them to retreat immediately and proceeded to use the Heart to bombard the compound, resulting in the deaths of many captives and leaving the New Republic forces with only one survivor rescued from the base.

Personality and traits

Nina Galfridian's Human disguise.

Despite her position as royalty, Nina Galfridian was content to visit the marketplace and shop like any other Artorian citizen. She displayed exceptional loyalty and courage in the face of danger by staying with her injured friend Jenny instead of fleeing from the approaching Yuuzhan Vong warriors. While imprisoned on the Tsam P'ah, Nina demonstrated her dedication to her people by refusing to serve the Yuuzhan Vong commander of the ship, asserting that as queen, she could only serve the Artorian people. The sense of loss she experienced after the conquest of Artorias, initially led her into a catatonic state, but she possessed enough mental strength to come out of it and even resist the telepathic commands of Dibrook's yammosk. She is also fiercely maternal and despite not even being the same species as her step-children, she still sees them as her own and is immensely caring and protective of them.

Behind the scenes

Nina Galfridian was conceived by Tom Taylor and visually realized by Colin Wilson for the Star Wars: Invasion comic book series. The comic series centers on the Galfridian family as they are separated during the Yuuzhan Vong War. In Invasion 1, Nina's role as the Queen of Artorias is revealed.

