Kaye Galfridian, a Human female, held the title of princess within the realm of Artorias. This occurred during the tumultuous era of the Yuuzhan Vong War, specifically in the year 25 ABY. Finn was her brother, who held the title of prince. Queen Nina and King Caled were her parents.
During the Yuuzhan Vong's assault, Kaye, along with her mother, were taken as prisoners by the Vong forces. They were subsequently transported to the slaveship known as the Tsam P'ah. In an act of selflessness, Kaye volunteered to serve Commander Sha'kel in place of her mother, Nina. Later, with the assistance of a fellow captive named Arbeloa, Kaye spearheaded an uprising on the Tsam P'ah.
In the opening moments of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Kaye was at the market with her mother, Nina, doing some shopping. While they were engaged in conversation with Jenny, a friend of her mother's, a powerful explosion shook the marketplace. The force of the blast shattered goods and sent debris flying everywhere. Jenny sustained critical injuries from the debris and collapsed in Nina's arms. As Yuuzhan Vong warriors advanced through the marketplace, the queen urged her daughter to escape. Kaye heeded her mother's advice and ran to seek assistance from her father and brother, Finn. She had barely reached the edge of the marketplace when she was tripped by an amphistaff. Looking up in dismay, she saw a towering Yuuzhan Vong warrior looming over her.

Seizing a knife from the ground, Kaye plunged it into the warrior's leg. Undeterred, the Yuuzhan Vong removed the knife and tossed it back to Kaye, challenging her to attack again. Kaye stabbed him again, but the warrior remained standing. With a final, desperate thrust, Kaye managed to kill the Yuuzhan Vong, only to be immediately surrounded by more warriors who swiftly captured her. Her brother, Finn, sensed that she and their mother were being herded toward a Yuuzhan Vong slaveship. Kaye soon found herself confined in a Yuuzhan Vong holding cell alongside her mother and Jenny.
Meanwhile, her brother Finn and father Caled attempted to rescue Kaye and her mother from the marketplace, but they were forced to retreat to a large hangar where they were besieged by Yuuzhan Vong forces. However, they were rescued by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Finn demonstrated his Force abilities by sensing his family in danger, and Skywalker recruited him for Jedi training at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. Kaye's father remained on Artorias with a company of soldiers, tasked with holding off the Yuuzhan Vong occupiers and facilitating the escape of more refugees.
Kaye, along with her mother and fellow Artorian prisoners, were transported to the Yuuzhan Vong slaveship Tsam P'ah, where they endured deplorable conditions. A Yuuzhan Vong warrior approached Nina Galfridian and demanded that she serve the ship's commander, striking her when she refused. Kaye intervened, offering herself to the commander in order to spare her mother and save Jenny. She was brought before Commander Sha'kel and forced to sit before him. The commander questioned how such a young woman could kill one of his warriors and informed her about the Yuuzhan Vong's plans to conquer the galaxy. Upon finishing his speech, he stabbed Kaye in the shoulder with a coufee and sent her back to the other prisoners. When Kaye reunited with her mother, she learned that Jenny had died.
After Jenny's death, Nina entered a catatonic state, and Kaye assumed responsibility for the Artorian slaves. She continued to serve Commander Sha'kel, gathering information about their situation and devising an escape plan. She also encountered Arbeloa on the ship, who observed that while the Yuuzhan Vong feared him and had him bound, they should have restrained Kaye as well, misjudging her due to her size. Arbeloa later negotiated with Kaye, offering his assistance in the upcoming battle and the head of Commander Sha'kel in exchange for his freedom.
In a subsequent meeting with Commander Sha'kel, Kaye was informed of the ongoing attacks on the planet's surface. When Sha'kel inquired about the potential source of these attacks, Kaye simply stated that the Yuuzhan Vong invasion had left nothing alive on Artorias. As she was escorted back to the other prisoners, she noticed that a biot on the guard's arm was required to free the prisoners. In addition to finding her mother's condition unchanged, she also discovered that Arbeloa had nearly freed himself from his bonds, joking that all they needed was an arm rather than a guard if they wished to escape. After Sha'kel deployed reinforcements to the Yuuzhan forces on Artorias, Kaye and Arbeloa staged a diversion in order to draw the guards into an ambush. Using the biot on one of the ambushed guard's arms, Kaye led Arbeloa and the Artorian prisoners into combat against the remaining contingent of Yuuzhan Vong on the Tsam P'ah. Fulfilling her part of their agreement, Kaye allowed Arbeloa to kill Sha'kel and take his head, remarking that it was just as well Sha'kel liked pain, as it was going to hurt.

Following the battle's conclusion, Kaye discovered that her mother had recovered after realizing that her father was still alive and fighting the Yuuzhan Vong on Artorias. Kaye then explained to her mother how Sha'kel had controlled the ship, but expressed uncertainty about whether anyone could use it without being killed. When Nina declared that there was only one way to find out, Kaye moved to enter the seat, but her mother insisted that this burden was hers to bear. While concerned that her mother was in trouble, Nina assured her daughter that she was fine and could control the ship, using it to escape Artorias and protect the Artorians on board.
Kaye was present on the bridge of the Heart of Artorias when it encountered a Yuuzhan Vong attack on Dibrook Space Station. She praised her mother's marksmanship as the Queen used the captured ship's weapons to destroy numerous attacking Vong. She directed rescue operations in the damaged sector of the station, assigning individuals with medical training to assist the wounded and others to expedite the boarding of the Heart. However, upon boarding the damaged space station, she was confronted by Captain Ogden, who sought to seize control of the Heart for New Republic examination. Arbeloa swiftly slammed the Captain into a bulkhead and issued a threat. Kaye explained that Artorias served as a safe haven, and despite the loss of their planet, the Artorian ideals persisted. The Heart would be repurposed as a refugee ship, aiding those affected by the Vong invasion. She then reprimanded Ogden, suggesting that instead of obstructing her efforts, he could instruct his troops to lower their weapons and assist in the evacuation. Once back aboard the Heart, Kaye informed her mother that a Vong ship had captured numerous prisoners and landed on the surface of the planet Dibrook. Her mother sensed a Vong presence on the planet, despite its harsh environment, and Kaye decided that a rescue mission was necessary. Kaye and Arbeloa then met with Commander Bylsma aboard the space station, requesting enviro-suits for the rescue mission. The New Republic officer readily complied and offered a garrison of soldiers to assist in the mission. Captain Ogden was ordered to accompany the forces to the planet's surface. Once on the surface of Dibrook, Kaye outlined her plans for the rescue mission, which included refraining from firing unless there was a confirmed target and avoiding shooting at any structures. She was determined to minimize casualties and retrieve the people taken by the Vong, but Ogden, claiming to be in charge, counteracted her plans. To avoid a command struggle, she instructed Arbeloa to take the captain and tie him up somewhere to keep him out of the way. She then inquired whether any of the assembled troops had any objections to her leadership. With no one dissenting, Kaye proceeded with her briefing.
As the rescue force reached the edge of the shaper research facility, Nina contacted Kaye and warned her to exercise caution, as she sensed something very powerful. Kaye ordered Arbeloa to halt the advance. He responded by encouraging her to confidently give orders and lead her troops. When she pointed out that she had ordered him to give the command due to his large size and the likelihood that she would be overlooked, he apologized and issued the command. Kaye thanked him for his words. She then began organizing a recon force to scout out the compound, but their efforts were interrupted by an attack on the rear guard of her forces. She went to investigate and discovered that the enemies were not Vong but mutated sentients known as thralls. She commanded the troops to cease fire and proceeded to help subdue a blue-skinned Twi'lek thrall. When a lieutenant in the New Republic force volunteered to execute the prisoner, Kaye ordered him to escort the prisoner back to the Heart. The Princess stated that all enemy combatants would be treated humanely. Upon returning to the front line, she ordered the recon force to approach the Vong compound. They were attacked by a group of Vong warriors including Zakar and Commander Tsalok and were wiped out as Kaye and her forces watched.

A large group of thralls gathered in the valley below Kaye and her forces, preventing her from reaching the Yuuzhan Vong compound. Kaye conferred with her mother aboard the Heart and was convinced that she would have to fight the thrall army in order to reach the Yuuzhan Vong base and rescue sentients who had not yet been converted into thralls. Kaye reluctantly agreed with her mother and engaged in fierce combat with the Yuuzhan Vong's slaves. She ordered Arbeloa to clear a path so they could reach the compound as quickly as possible. During the battle, Kaye was informed that some of her troops were laying down their weapons and retreating because they were facing loved ones who had been forced to fight by the Yuuzhan Vong. Once Kaye and Arbeloa reached the entrance to the compound, they were confronted by a group of shapers that Tsalok had ordered to fight a holding action. The duo quickly cut them down with their weapons and entered the facility. Kaye and Arbeloa discovered a group of prisoners held in a large bubble. As gas began to fill it, Kaye ordered Arbeloa to tear it open. They managed to save one child before the remaining prisoners began turning into thralls, and Nina Galfridian ordered the rescue party to evacuate, using the weapons of the Heart to completely destroy the Yuuzhan Vong compound. Before leaving, they came across the spot where Yuledan had been tortured, and Kaye retrieved his lightsaber.
Kaye ordered her forces to gather the dead, treat them with respect, and bury them with honor. Arbeloa attempted to convince her that nothing could have been done to save them, but she still viewed them as sentients. She then revealed that she had somehow felt the death of her father through her brother, Finn, who was with the King when he passed away. She returned to the Heart to inform her mother that her husband had died, but encountered Ogden, who had been tied to an outcropping in the ship. When he taunted her about the failure of her mission on the planet, she ignited Yuledan's lightsaber and threatened to kill the New Republic officer. She then went to the control center of the Heart and told her mother that Caleb had died.
The princess attended the Memorial service on Dibrook held in honor of the fallen. After the ceremony, she was informed by Bylsma that many refugees from Artorias had been taken to the Imperial Remnant-run planet of Shramar. Kaye gathered her forces and joined her mother in the control room of the Heart as the ship made its way to the planet.

Upon arriving at Shramar, Kaye was in the control room of the Heart when it came under fire from an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. Nina established communications with the planet, announcing her intention to send a landing party to assess the welfare of the Atorians. Kaye and Arbeloa disembarked to confront an army of stormtroopers, AT-ATs, AT-STs, and TIE/LN starfighters. As a refugee rushed toward the princess and Arbeloa, she was gunned down by Imperial fire. Kaye prevented Arbeloa from engaging in a fight with the Imperials and retreated back aboard the Heart with the refugee's body.
The refugee was severely injured but managed to inform Kaye and Nina Galfridian that the refugees on Shramar were being forced to work in the fields and that all the harvest was being shipped off-world. Kaye expressed her outrage at the Empire's profiteering. Nina contacted Sector Commander Devry and demanded an audience. Kaye accompanied her mother to the banquet hall but was denied entry by the two stormtroopers guarding the entrance. Kaye heard a commotion inside and attempted to enter, but one of the stormtrooper guards restrained her. She grabbed his wrist and struck his forearm with her fist, shattering the armor and severely injuring his arm. The princess was then shot in the back by the other stormtrooper and knocked to the ground. However, she managed to get up, knock the injured stormtrooper unconscious, and then jump on the second guard, ripping his head, still inside the helmet, off of his body. Upon entering the banquet hall, she discovered the aftermath of her mother's attack on the Imperial staff and witnessed her mother, without her masquer, plunge her hand through Devry's chest, killing him.
Horrified to discover that her mother was Yuuzhan Vong, Kaye attempted to flee but calmed down once the queen donned her masquer and explained the situation. Kaye then helped her mother convince the Imperials that a Yuuzhan Vong invasion was imminent and that the planet needed to be evacuated. She accompanied her mother and a group of stormtroopers to a communications room, where the princess watched Nina contact Bylsma and request military assistance with the evacuation. Kaye worked with her mother and Captain Bristow to move the Heart to where the refugees were and begin an evacuation. When Bylsma arrived at Shramar, he boarded the Heart. Kaye greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and thanked him for his help. She then escorted him to the control room of the ship, but stopped Arbeloa from entering with them. Inside, Kaye prevented Bylsma from attacking the Queen, who was un-masqued and in her natural Yuuzhan Vong form.
When the Yuuzhan Vong arrived at Shramar, Kaye was dispatched by her mother to marshal the defenses in order to buy more time for the evacuation of civilians. She participated in the land battle and worked with Captain Bristow to fight off the invading Yuuzhan Vong in fierce combat. Once all the refugees were onboard the Heart, Kaye signaled for a full retreat. Once they were safely away from Shramar, Kaye stood by her mother as the queen revealed that she was a Yuuzhan Vong.
Despite her privileged royal upbringing, Kaye Galfridian was content to shop in the marketplace like any other Artorian. She showed great bravery, only reluctantly leaving her mother's side and promising to return with backup, despite the presence of Yuuzhan Vong invaders in the marketplace. Her bravery was again demonstrated when she attacked and killed a Yuuzhan Vong warrior and fought another, even though she was outnumbered. Her imprisonment on the Tsam P'ah did not diminish her bravery; she offered to meet Commander Sha'kel face to face in order to protect her mother and Jenny. She was adept at both deception and leadership, as evidenced during the revolt on the Tsam Pa'h.
Kaye Galfridian was conceived by Tom Taylor and brought to life through the illustrations of Colin Wilson for the Star Wars: Invasion comic series. The comic series revolves around the Galfridian family as they become separated during the Yuuzhan Vong War. In Invasion 1, Kaye's identity as the Princess of Artorias is revealed.