The designation of sector commander was in use by members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic as early as 0 BBY. At this time, both Alliance officers Bob Hudsol, who hailed from the planet Corellia, and Vanden Huyck Willard, who came from Sulorine, held the position of sector commander. Both of these men had been transferred to the rebel Massassi Group stationed on the moon Yavin 4, which served as the Alliance headquarters. Commander Hudsol, a history expert and proficient starfighter strategist, prioritized his move to Alliance High Command on Yavin as the conflict with the Galactic Empire intensified. Conversely, Vanden Huyck Willard joined to lend his knowledge and supply intelligence to the Alderaanian representatives.
Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Commander Willard extended a greeting to Princess Leia Organa, an Alderaanian royal who had recently been rescued, upon her arrival at the Alliance base. During the battle, Commander Hudsol kept watch over the Alliance starfighter assault, while Willard assisted in the overall coordination of the battle alongside figures like General Jan Dodonna, Princess Leia Organa, and Major [Lajaie], among others. Following the Alliance's successful outcome at the Battle of Yavin, Hudsol was present during the ceremony where Luke Skywalker, a Force-sensitive rebel pilot, and Han Solo, a smuggler captain, were awarded the Medal of Bravery.
The sector commander role made its debut in the 1977 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, but its formal identification occurred within the Star Wars canon 2023 reference guide, Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and [Emily Shkoukani]. Alliance Sector Commanders initially appeared within Star Wars Legends, first appearing in The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, a 1980 supplemental book for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games.