Bob Hudsol was a human male who held the ranks of general and sector commander within the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He fought against the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. During the assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks, Hudsol met his death when his starship was obliterated.
Within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Bob Hudsol served as a sector commander. During the Battle of Yavin, when the Alliance launched an attack on the Empire's Death Star battle station, Hudsol oversaw the operation from the Rebel strategy center located inside the Great Temple on the moon of Yavin 4. Following the successful destruction of the Death Star, Hudsol was present at an awards ceremony held in the temple, where Han Solo, the smuggler, and Luke Skywalker, the pilot, were presented with medals. Immediately after the ceremony concluded, the Rebels began a rapid evacuation of Yavin.

After failing to convince Dors Urtya, the Regent of Mon Cala, to align with the Rebel Alliance, Hudsol achieved the rank of general. He attended a meeting of the Alliance High Command where Leia Organa, a Princess, presented a strategy to rescue Lee-Char, the King, with the goal of securing the allegiance of the Mon Calamari for the rebellion. As the fleet gathered at the Mako-Ta Space Docks, Hudsol's ship was the first to be fully equipped and pass all tests. During the assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks by the Death Squadron of the Empire, Hudsol was aboard his starship when it was destroyed in a fiery explosion, resulting in his death.
Hudsol had light-colored skin, [brown](/article/color] eyes, gray [hair](/article/hair], and a noticeable mustache.
Bob Hudsol made his debut in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the inaugural film of the Star Wars original trilogy. The character's name was not established until 1996, when he was featured on a card in the A New Hope Limited expansion of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game by Decipher within the Star Wars Legends continuity. The reference book Ultimate Star Wars, released in 2015, officially confirmed Hudsol's name as canon. Kieron Gillen, the lead writer for Star Wars, conceived the idea of killing off Hudsol, reflecting on the rapid rise of heroes through the ranks.