
Inv08-Thralls Thralls of several species on Dibrook. The New Republic used the term Thrall to describe individuals, frequently Human, who were turned into slaves of the Yuuzhan Vong through the implantation of surge-coral. These thralls were typically tall and physically fit, exhibiting varying degrees of coral growth on their bodies that functioned as organic weaponry or protection. These coral augmentations could manifest as protective ridges around the eyes, spikes protruding from knuckles, elbows, and knees, plates covering limbs and the chest, or even comprehensive body armor resembling that of a stormtrooper. Kaye Galfridian noted that the thralls' experience of pain was evident in their expressions.

They sometimes moved by using their knuckles to walk. Despite emitting battle cries, they were more akin to animals than sentient beings, lacking control over their actions, according to Kaye Galfridian. This limitation prevented them from utilizing complex weapons or employing tactics beyond rudimentary cunning. Besides their deployment as soldiers, thralls served as training subjects for Yuuzhan Vong warriors.

During the occupation of Garqi, the Garqi Agricultural University became a significant hub for the production of Thralls.

On Dibrook, Master Shaper Nagme engineered an army composed of Thralls. She genetically modified these thralls to enhance their strength, aggression, and capacity to breathe in Dibrook's atmosphere.

Following the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War, thralls disappeared from view. However, more than a century later, after the failure of the Ossus Project, a new form of individuals affected by surge-coral emerged, known as vongspawns.

