Ogden (captain)

Ogden held the rank of captain within the New Republic Defense Fleet, stationed at Dibrook Space Station under the command of Commander Bylsma. His service took place in 25 ABY during the tumultuous period of the Yuuzhan Vong War.


During the Yuuzhan Vong assault upon Dibrook Space Station, Ogden promptly alerted his commanding officer. He diligently kept Bylsma informed as the station's starfighter squadron engaged the invading forces. Soon after, the Heart of Artorias arrived, commencing fire on the Yuuzhan Vong vessels. Recognizing the ship as an ally, Ogden and Bylsma instructed the fighters to disengage. Following the defeat of all enemy ships, the Heart of Artorias docked with the damaged station to embark evacuees.

Ogden, accompanied by four of his troops, was among the first to examine the captured enemy vessel. He expressed considerable surprise at the seizure of the ship by the rebellious Artorian Kaye Galfridian and the other liberated prisoners. However, when he commanded his troops to seize control of the bridge for New Republic research purposes, he was forcefully prevented by Arbeloa, a Cilare captive of the Yuuzhan Vong and a close associate of Kaye Galfridian. Subsequently, Kaye informed Ogden that the ship's sole purpose was to serve as a refugee transport. After Ogden instructed his men to stand down, Arbeloa released the captain.

Shortly after this brief confrontation, Kaye engaged in a discussion with Ogden's superior, Bylsma. She requested assistance in rescuing individuals captured by the Yuuzhan Vong on the surface of Dibrook during the battle. Despite Ogden's objections, Bylsma ordered him to accompany Kaye on the mission, along with the station's troop contingent. Upon landing on the planet, Ogden attempted to assert control over the mission, employing his own strategies. However, on Kaye Galfridian's orders, Arbeloa subdued and restrained the captain. Galfridian later commented that Ogden's approach would have resulted in unnecessary fatalities.

Personality and traits

Ogden displayed a volatile temperament, readily voicing criticism of others' decisions. Disregarding his rank, he was prone to pursuing hasty and less effective courses of action, thereby jeopardizing the safety of those under his command. His combative disposition ultimately led to his downfall on Dibrook, where Kaye Galfridian relieved Ogden of his duties on the mission due to his opposition to a more favorable strategy.

