Krownest wearing Mandalorian armor Krownest was a person seen sporting Mandalorian armor along with a Nite Owl helmet. Following the First Order's arrival on Batuu, Krownest reached out to Dok-Ondar with the intention of purchasing Ezra Bridger's scout trooper helmet. Once Ondar verified that he possessed the helmet, Krownest wired credits to Ondar and provided the delivery location.
Krownest's initial appearance was in the Star Wars: Datapad, which is a mobile game designed for visitors of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge to engage with the themed environment. The visual depiction of Krownest within the Datapad bears resemblance to Sabine Wren's armor, and both share a name connected to Sabine's homeworld, which is also named Krownest. However, whether they are intended to represent the same individual remains unclear.