During the era of the Galactic Civil War, a male Rodian went by the name of Kyra 'Naa.
Back in 1 ABY, Kyra 'Naa found himself on the world of Dathomir when an accident occurred at the Imperial Research and Prison Facility. The Blackwing virus being researched there broke free of its confines and proceeded to wipe out a large portion of the local population, transforming them into ravenous undead beings. The Galactic Empire moved quickly to establish a Quarantine Zone in an attempt to control the spread of the infection. Kyra 'Naa was among the small number of people who managed to survive the initial outbreak of the virus, but they were now stuck inside the Quarantine Zone. The survivors established various camps as a way to defend against the constant attacks by the zombies and to attempt to live safely while hoping for rescue. Kyra 'Naa sought refuge in Camp Gamma, where he joined forces with Tripp D'jek, a Rebel trooper, and Oona Wran, a Bothan. Kyra 'Naa was responsible for the camp's frontline defense and would frequently enlist the help of spacers who dared to enter the Quarantine Zone.
Within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, Kyra 'Naa existed as a non-player character. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to the public by LucasArts. The game was taken offline on December 15, 2011. Kyra 'Naa became part of the game through "Game Update 14," also referred to as the "Death Troopers" update, which was launched on October 12, 2009.