Lancek Trevoras

During the Clone Wars, there existed a Toong character named Lancek Trevoras.

Behind the scenes

Toong worker concept art by JP Balmet, sourced from Lancek Trevoras

The initial mention of Lancek Tevoras occurred in concept artwork created for the Toong workers featured in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series' revival season episode entitled "Together Again," the eighth episode which was broadcast in 2020. Trevoras was intended to make an appearance in episode 5.22 of the series, which was part of the unfinished bounty hunters arc consisting of four episodes. However, the show's cancellation prevented the completion of this story arc. Kilian Plunkett, the Art Director for The Clone Wars, revealed that the Toong species was selected for "Together Again" to create a contrast with the towering Trandoshan manager that appeared in the episode. Consequently, JP Balmet, an artist, designed the Toong workers visible in the final episode, using Trevoras' character model as a reference.

Although Kyle Newman was slated to provide the voice for a Toong in an unreleased episode of The Clone Wars, it remains uncertain whether he was cast as Trevoras specifically, or as another Toong character.


  • "Together Again" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars on (backup link) (First mentioned)
  • Clone Wars Download: "Old Friends Not Forgotten" on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on (Indirect mention only)

Notes and references
